Thinking about making spaces. Its one week since the end of my residency at KARST. Activities continue out of the studio, at home, on the sofa and back at the charity shop. The objects are being returned to be recycled. […]
Captured my video today. It’s very simple and took just one take. Working with my old DV camera positioned on the floor surface, objects were introduced to the frame one by one. Clear plastic tubs, red oversize brandy glass, navy […]
Started my residency yesterday. I have keys to a studio for the first time since making use of my incubator space at Exeter Phoenix in 2010. I can’t afford a studio and it works OK for me at home – […]
Following a successful application to KARST’s Artist Residency Programme, I am spending a week developing a new video piece in an individual studio space at KARST. KARST is a non-profit contemporary art venue in Plymouth, which comprises a public gallery […]
hello It’s incubator day today and I have remembered my key. THE STOLEN PAINTING! A painting has been stolen from the galleries here at Exeter Phoenix this week and I am wondering who pinched it. I think somebody saw it, […]
At this point I put a spanner in the works: PINEAPPLES Today I’ve been collecting pineapples. Pineapples have fallen into the work for a long time. Must write more on pineapples.
I’m back. No post last week when I came back to incubator space after summer holidays and managing childcare. The radio station next door to me (there is a radio station across the corridor) are playing music a bit too […]
Aesthetic Choices and Encyclopedic Glitter: Marshall Hain awkwardly performing their 1978 record Dancing in the City in a German disco studio use a plain white sheet to occasionally hide under. Kit Hain casually wears a sequined waistcoat throughout. I would […]
How to Start a Collection : This studio has a blue floor. A lovely window. A list (not exhaustive): Kim Carnes Lampshade Faux Chandelier Lupins held higher in the arms Instructions for making lampshades, pinatas and tassels. Pinky Vintage John […]