The seas of disease continue to swirl around the grate mount hindering our progression…
Lhergyrhenny’s Astrometric Grid stars Shine brightly across the Galactic Grid Walking along with my friends on a late summers afternoon We strolled oe’r bridge and mountain I climbed to the top of the radio mast Electricity flowed Some sort of […]
A workmate found this gri whilst doing a spot of magnet fishing. Unfortunately she ‘chucked it.’
Exhibition link: http://www.tailofthepup.co.uk/Marc%20Renshaw.html Tail of the Pup is a d.i.y artists’ project space based in the outer boroughs of East London. Broadcasting from a converted shed that has a sleek and designed exterior that deliberately contrasts with its ramshackle and […]
Sunday 27th of December 2020 Marc Renshaw has taken part in annual 10k events nationally since 2013. This year, due to the pandemic, he’ll be taking on his annual challenge as a solo event, using Grimsby’s flagship business park – […]