I have today recieved Louises book! Immediately I was taken back to Croft Castle and started to think of the different things we did and saw there. I particularly remember the small shed full of used books, in which we […]
As always the new year is a time for reflection. Thinking about how the project was progressing made me remember a research trip Mette and I took to Croft Castle in November to see the ‘tell it to the trees’ […]
The trees are on fire, molten leaves carpet the roads, leaving exposed what was once hidden and nurtured by the tree. Nests and drays, empty of their fragile inhabitants remind me of the essential nature of the tree for me […]
The last week I have been knitting trees! As a research for this project I have knitted small trees using old sheets which I have ripped. They work really well as they are very sturdy and can stand by themselves. […]
Our lovely friend Jeni sent me this link, I thought it was so great I decided to share it. It’s the sound of a tree growing – image if we could hear them all! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8267151.stm
This week, as they say, I have been mostly crocheting fungi! I love crocheted things, but have never really done much. So I am sitting with a hook and a ball of wall just letting the crochet form itself to […]
I have spend most of my childhood roaming through the woods, building dens, climbing trees and looking for creatures. The woods with the tall trees is to me a very safe, warm and happy place, it is home! Seeing the […]