Presentation The presentation of the plaster objects and the demonstration of the artificial intelligence combined to form my end of year exhibition art work. Began with the idea of presenting a live experiment of the solving of the video game […]
Producing the Video The video itself is a recording of ten minutes per hour of an experiment of a machine learning algorithm solving the problem of a video game Pong. The duration of the video is roughly an hour as […]
“You are the music whilst the music lasts.” – T.S. Eliot The subject matter I have chosen for the degree show and as focus of my art practice are subjects that seemingly everyone has an opinion about. They […]
Sophrosune “Error would be removed from human life, because each person would do only what they knew and would leave what they did not know to that which did” (Donald Watt) The piece of work I am currently engaged with, […]
I know that I am mortal by nature, and ephemeral; yet when I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies I no longer touch the earth with my feet: I stand in the presence […]
The animation is about to enter user testing/feedback. Where I will ask a few people to jot down times in the animation where it is either too flashy, repetitive, dull etc. So that I can polish it in editing before […]
Mental Installation I recently created a project open to Arts & Humanities students booking space in the installation rooms for a week of installations. The setup and green light of the project went smoothly, receiving good feedback from tutor’s. I […]