Rebecca Glover
I am interested in the point of interaction between the human body and its environment and where narrative, myth, and reality merge to make sense of this relationship. What sort of processes/ frameworks shape this interaction? and how can we find alternative ways of engaging with/constructing a relationship with the world around us, shifting the dynamic from one of human authority to something more mutual?
I work with sound, installation, video, sculpture and painting to explore these ideas, making use of the multi-sensory range of media to alter viewpoints or methods of encountering a particular subject. It’s the way the work enters into the body and begins to make sense that interests me most. As a result, the body is a central protagonist in my work and is often the site for the work itself.
Sound is central to how I experience the world. I use field recording as a way of accessing/engaging with the environment. It forces me to be still, to concentrate and listen, through this I become more curious and discover a totally different viewpoint. These recordings inform the construction of narratives, installations and the visual works.