Ronan Devlin
Ronan Devlin, born in Northern Ireland 1974, is a UK based artist and designer.
With a background in graphic design he works on commissioned and self motivated projects with outcomes ranging from paper to screen to site-specific installation.
His Arts Council of Wales funded work In Flow 2014 reached the long list of the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Art Prize, finalist in the 2015/16 Lumen Prize and has been shown in China, USA & UK with most recent outings at LIGHTPOOL, Blackpool Illuminations, 2016 and Winter Lights Festival, Canary Wharf, London, 2017.
His data-scape artwork Veillance was winner of Open Call 2 by The Space who, alongside Arts Council of Wales, funded its development and exhibition at White Box, Pontio, Bangor University,
A collaborative work (T)HERE, made with Swiss artist Michael Flückiger, was exhibited at LLAWN 05, LLandudno and Made in NY Media Center, Brooklyn, NY 2017. North Wales