Sara Brighty
In my work, I explore relationships. More specifically, I focus on the relationship between a parent and child.
Pregnancy and becoming a parent, miscarriage and infant loss are of particular interest to me and I wish to consider further; how society explores or ignores child loss.
I draw from personal experiences and I am interested in researching how other artists have explored and presented the topic of children within their own work.
Both male and female perspectives are of importance to my research.
I have found it liberating to explore and make sense of my own emotions and relationships through art and I have become more interested in how people use the arts as a way of personal expression and also as therapy.
IĀ aim to create work that encourages people to have an increased awareness of the diversity of parenthood.
I am particularly interested in stereotypes and perceptions of parental relationships in contrast to the variety of realities of what a relationship between a parent and child is.
I will continue to explore personal experiences and I am motivated to continue to create honest and expressive pieces of work. Derbyshire