EUREKA!! AM I A “ CON. ARTIST ? ” Is my work is of today and therefore CON.TEMPORARY ? Is my work driven by ideas and therefore CON.CEPTUAL ? I have enjoyed visits to the National Galleries, Courtaulds; Saatchi; Sainsbury; and Fitzwilliam Galleries plus […]
The auction finally arrived this evening at 6pm and represents the groups best opportunity to raise funds to finance our degree show. I prepared a draft of the catalogue which was edited by Hannah, who has done a great job with […]
Broomhill Lido. My final year of study will include a collaboration with local contemporary artist Ian Moss. Ian’s video, called Wondering in Time, which portrays the history and decay at the Broomhill Lido in Ipswich. The abstract style of the video imagery, […]
I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia issues in 2014, which had seriously affected previous essay results and I began year six with enormous trepidation. The dissertation was looming on the immediate horizon and the diagnosis had caused me to consider ending my […]
The Mayor’s Portrait. As part of Professional Practice study in year 5, I negotiated my first commission to paint a portrait of the Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor Hamil Clarke. This was my first portrait and it offered an opportunity to work in collaboration […]
The Project Brief for Semester 2 was to produce one piece of work, incorporating each of the chosen study subjects. Life drawing and painting inevitably formed a basis for the work and, following the death of my Mother, I chose […]
Using my own photographs as a source, I experimented with digital media, abstraction and colour. My reference was from Pop Art and work by Andy Warhol, as well as more contemporary painting and story telling, by Allen Jones and Andy […]
In 2012, an organised trip to London and the Tate Modern, introduced me to Contemporary/Conceptual Art and although I went along with an open mind, I found that blank monitor screens, and collections of detritus with pretentious, elitist labelling offered very little evidence of craftsmanship, […]
Scratching the Surface. My degree studies included experimentation with drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and photography and I began to produce work from life studies and abstraction. The use of digital media and image manipulation, became instrumental in the transformation of […]