Svetlana Atlavina
Svetlana Atlavina MA Printmaking is a multimedia artist who explores social issues, deeply rooted within our psychological being. Her art research connects to the visualization of art processes, empathy, controversial issues, and the role of women in society. The project Lines of Reproduction explored correlations between natural forms, and lines as intangible aspects of time; between memories of the pre-symbolic stage of development and the unconscious feelings from childhood. More than forty white sculptures over a long red surface allow viewers to explore incommunicable feelings of growth, where female and male curves meet into space for the reproduction of the human race.
The SVETTA Art Club project was financed by Arts Council England. It opened new opportunities in the development of a visual language through moving images. The essence of the project was in establishing relationships via virtual art workshops with and between the participants: NHS exhausted staff during COVID19.
Svetlana's research is focused on creative processes developed during experiments and the serendipity of maternal instincts. The core of the relationships between artist-viewer, educator-participant is similar to accounts with children when intuition and knowledge of visual perception lead the communication process.
Multimedia artworks include video, ceramics, and printmaking. UK