Intended to assist in evaluation of cultural and sport interventions. Full text explores the difficulties faced in measuring these in terms of quality of life (QOL), but describes methods and results of studiesat individual and community level. Research objectives were: 1) To examine the “bigger picture” of QOL and the definitions already established. 2) To focus on definition of QOL and well-being in the context of culture, arts and sport. 3) To provide a clear understanding of the social and economic benefits flowing from culture and sport projects that enhance QOL and well-being. 4) To identify social and economic indicators that can be used to measure QOL and well-being impact in relation to culture and sport for possible “piloting” in a follow-up piece of research.

Susan Galloway, Nicola Birkin, Christine Hamilton, Dr Mark Petticrew, University of Glasgow, Professor David Bell, University of Stirling
Scottish Executive
0-7559-2908-X / ISBN 0- 7559- 2907- 1
Janurary 2006
Quality of life and well-being: measuring the benefits of culture and sport – a literature review Quality of life and well-being: measuring the benefits of culture and sport: literature review and thinkpiece