Artists’ fees and gallery budgets: a discussion document
Part of the Paying Artists research portfolio, Sarah Thelwall’s report explores how public sector galleries can think differently about budgets for artists’ fees.
Part of the Paying Artists research portfolio, Sarah Thelwall’s report explores how public sector galleries can think differently about budgets for artists’ fees.
Fundamentally questions the Arts Council’s stewardship of the National Lottery funds, which are provided for different purposes and for far wider public benefit than ACE’s Treasury grant.
This report – the sixth in the Paying Artists research portfolio – draws together examples of how artists’ fees for exhibiting are arrived at in Sweden, Norway, Canada and Poland; and the conditions and contexts that underpin their application.
Provides a historical context within the Paying Artists campaign of the Payment to Artists for Exhibition of Work scheme implemented by the Arts Council of Great Britain in 1979.
A short paper that briefly reviews some of the existing literature that has been referenced or has provided useful context and comparison for the Paying Artists study.
Second phase of a-n/AIR-commissioned research, exploring artists’ and venues’ experiences of exhibiting in publicly-funded venues. Phase 2 findings build on data from Phase 1 and are based on interviews conducted with artists and venues.
a-n/AIR-commissioned research exploring artists’ experiences of exhibiting in publicly-funded galleries. Phase 1 is based on an online survey exploring artists’ experiences of exhibition practice.
The visual arts organisations the Arts Council selected for funding as National Portfolio Organisations 2011-15
Independently researched and evidence based report addressing the balance of arts funding between London and the rest of England.
Evaluation of the pilot year of The Space, a joint three year venture between Arts Council England and the BBC.
Transcript of lecture given at the RSA on 20th March 2013.
a-n-commissioned research that presents information on the destination of visual arts funding across the four UK arts councils and the percentage rate of successful applications in years 2009-10 and 2008-09.
Six months on from the ‘Ladders for development’ report, Dany Louise revisits ladders organisations and reports on how they fared after the first round of coalition government cuts in 2011.
Turning Point was a visual arts strategy launched by ACE in 2006. A complicated programme, a-n commissioned this briefing paper to provide clarity for visual arts practitioners and organisers.
In this 2011 report Phyllida Shaw unwraps the ‘what’s what’ and ‘who’s who’ of Turning Point, a 10-year Arts Council England strategy for the visual arts.
Part of a Culture 2020 project intended to assist arts organisations to engage with donors. Updated findings April 2010 – June 2011 by consultancy Arts Quarter.
Case study paper discussing the likely impact on the visual arts of Arts Council England’s decisions to remove funding from fifteen visual arts organisations unsuccessful in their NPO application.
Builds on the case for diversity as culturally productive for artists, audiences and communities, and positions diversity as a way to increase the adaptive resilience of organisations, making them less vulnerable to unexpected change.
a-n’s analysis of ACE’s new National Portfolio Organisations (NPO) for funding 2012-15.
Short sector commentary on Arts Council Wales review of revenue-funded clients in December 2010. Included as an early effect of the 2008 “credit crunch” and the resulting “austerity” programme which resulted in significant changes to cultural policy and cuts to arts funding across the UK.
Paper responding to the Shadow Culture Department’s request for contributions to a scoping of a creative industries policy review.
Formal research report to DCMS recommending using Treasury accepted economic tools as basis for measuring cultural value.
Legacy 10 publication in support of Coalition Government encouragement of private funding of the arts, coinciding with changes to Inheritance Tax.
A strategic framework for the arts.
a-n The Artists Information Company submission to government committee enquiry, examining funding of the arts and heritage.