Primary Colours
Report on the decline of art education in primary schools in England with recommendations for action.
Report on the decline of art education in primary schools in England with recommendations for action.
Evaluation of a six year programme funded by DfE, connecting museums with local schoolchildren, targeting areas with high levels of deprivation and low cultural engagement.
Continental research and perspective on the field of participatory arts, intended to enhance pedagogical practice.
Suggests that the introduction of the Ebacc has no impact on pupils take-up of arts GCSEs. With foreword by Nick Gibb MP and Matt Hancock MP.
Unpacking the findings of Q-Art’s 2016 publication ‘Professional Practice: 20 Questions’, co-edited by Jo Allen and Sarah Rowles.
Review of formal learning in museums for children and young people aged three to 19 years in the context of a fast-changing educational and funding landscape.
Latest headline estimates of adult (16+) engagement in culture for the year October 2015 to September 2016.
Conference proceedings report from the third International Teaching Artist Conference, held in Edinburgh.
Informative document detailing ethos and six funding priorities for the Foundation.
Provides insight into how professionals construct gallery learning programmes, and why these activities can provide transformational experiences, using Tate as a case study.
Examines design industry’s perceptions of young people, their suitability for work and the neccessary skills and abilities needed to thrive within the sector.
Executive summary of the headline findings of research into arts subjects at Key Stage 4, commissioned by Creative & Cultural Skills.
Reviews approaches to teaching professional practice within fine and applied arts programmes and identifies the role a-n and other professional development organisations can have in supporting student learning in the future.
Paper formally acknowledging the flaws in the original DCMS SIC (classification) codes and proposing improvements.
Provides timely overview of an under-served area, written by the same research team who reported on the impact of Creative Partnerships on pupils’ well-being.
Reyahn King explores the role of galleries as providers of professional development for visual artists.
Final report to CCE (Creativity, Culture Education) from Cambridge University evaluating Creative Partnerships projects.
DCMS recommendations.
Broad ranging review of cultural education for children in England, commissioned by the DCMS in 2012.
Department of Education response to the Henley Review, which it broadly welcomes.
Recommendations presented to Creative Industries Council to instigate industry led proposals for addressing skills issues to boost the growth and competitiveness of the Creative Industries.
One of four Creative Partnerships evaluation reports undertaken by NFER.
Results of AIR’s survey of its members on the subject of access to art education; and a call for arts education to be accessible to all.
A consideration of the background to alternative arts schools and their current relevance, citing historical ideology and using eight case studies.
Short but articulate response by Hilary Gresty of he Visual Arts and Galleries Association submission to the Commons Select Committee, regarding the proposal to exclude art and design from the Ebac.