On the cover – 2007 November
Jeffery Byrd, Holy Ghost, performance, Boston, 2004. Photo: Bob Raymond
Jeffery Byrd, Holy Ghost, performance, Boston, 2004. Photo: Bob Raymond
Professional development opportunities are widely available, ranging from cash awards to advisory sessions and critical debate.
The focus generated this month by Vital 07 is the catalyst for exposing of some of the UKs key promoters of live art today.
Exploring selected arts organisation with significant facilities and programmes for digital and new media practices.
Zadok Ben-David, Black Field (detail), site-specific installation, hand painted, acid etched stainless steel, dimensions varied, 2007.
Highlighting new projects by organisations located in Aberdeenshire, Cumbria, Devon, Dumfries, Fife, Mull, Lancashire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Suffolk, and Western Isles. There is, in truth, nothing essentially backward-looking, conservative or traditional in rural culture. There are too many innovators, in too […]
Rosemary Shirley explores her frustration with the dominance of urban culture and assumptions often made about artistic practice that takes place outside of it, in an a-n Collection that puts a spotlight on artistic activity in rural locations.
Patricia Fleming discusses the relationship with the art market for artists and curators in Wales and Scotland.
Emilia Teleses opening essay offers analysis of the markets for art in the UK highlighting the contradictions and idiosyncrasies of the relationship between artists and money,
Elizabeth Masterton, Therell Always Be An England, installation, 2007. Photo: Paul Ridout
If you were the Arts Council, how would you do it?
Martine Rouleau wonders what or who is susceptible to change the market. Can artists adapt it to their own expectations and should the demands of the market influence artists work?
Ayling & Conroy survey the motives and trends that effect how UK commercial galleries select artists to exhibit.
Charlie Foxs critical response to the different positions taken up by dealers and curators vs non-object based artists within the art market.
Ken Pratt gives an overview of the international art market from a curators point of view.
Guyan Porter talks about the socio-economic dynamics of art markets and deconstructs notions of the art market in the UK.
Paul Stanley and Rachel Cattle in conversation about what defines success.
Kerry Harker, Narcissist, T-shirt with vinyl lettering, unlimited edition multiple. Photo: Cathal Carey
Jessica Preston, Circles & Cones, 3D textiles, cotton, 2007.
Rick Schofield, photograph from the Peer series, 2007.
This toolkit takes artists step-by-step through a process to calculate an individual daily rate and prepare quotes for freelance work.
Artists Insights Coordinator Simon Zimmerman reports on a new development.
This online self-completing toolkit is designed to enable visual and applied artists to develop themselves and their practice accordingly to their own interests and circumstances.
Anna Lewis, Cathexis, mixed media installation, 2007.
Michell Wren, Story has it, if the Birds move at all, the whole of Liverpool will crumble and fall, No.2, mixed media, 2006.