On the cover – 2010 September
Chantal Powell, Siren, bird cage, metallic.
Chantal Powell, Siren, bird cage, metallic.
We are heading for straitened times. The UK’s government departments have been ordered by the Treasury to plan for unprecedented cuts of 40% in their budgets as the coalition widens the scope of its four-year austerity drive.
12 Visual art representatives address the damage that will be inflicted by proposed spending cuts, in a letter to the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport.
Many of us will submit work to prestigious ‘open submissions’: the Royal Academy summer exhibition, Jerwood Drawing prize and other major events, attracted by the idea that the democratic process of selection will allow us a share of the limelight.
Jonathan Baxter asks if Liberate Tate’s interventions and protests at Tate’s recent celebration of BP’s sponsorship is representative of growing concern that such sponsorship is compromising the integrity of artists and arts organisations alike.
Case studies and commentary by Lauren Healey on this imaginative scheme for artist-led professional development. [PDF format, 74kb. Requires PDF reader. ]
Richard Taylor finds out how three artist groups are re-vamping their structures as established organisations, to support new talent and promote a variety graduate activity.
In December 2007, Videoclub was granted a NAN Go and See bursary to travel to Hamburg for research and development. Artists’ Networks Coordinator Emilia Telese talks to Jamie Wyld about the bursary and its impact on the group: ET: Jamie, […]
In the second part of our post-graduate focus we explore the various options open to students at a selection of UK-based universities and art schools.
LiangWest is a “new prototype of gallery for a new generation of artists whose artistic agendas are relevant to contemporary ideals”. For this month’s Collaborative relationships a-n Magazine Coordinator Chris Brown talks to proprietors Theresa Liang and William West and artist Prem Sahib. They discuss the importance of peer support, and describe how they negotiate their ongoing relationship and their forthcoming exhibition project ‘Boyfriend Material’
Contents include: Post-graduate Professional preparation feature plus how makers are contributing to the economy; Theresa Liang and William West of Liangwest Gallery and artist Prem Sahib in Collaborative relationships; Tatton Park biennale in reviews; Exhibiting opportunities focus. PDF version [size […]
In last month’s issue we reported on the online commentaries ensuing from the DCMS’s announcement of the extent to which public subsidy for the arts will be cut. In a bid to grant a voice for practitioners and arts professionals, platforms have been initiated on social sites including Marcus Romer’s (Artistic Director of Pilot Theatre) Artsfunding ning network artsfunding.ning.com. Here we republish excerpts of postings on Artsfunding, plus other timely commentaries related to this line of discussion.
Nie Chun Mei, Forest.
As a main source of intelligence about the intricacies of artists’ working practices in the UK, a-n has been a place for extensive discourse on portfolio working. Quantitative research studies show portfolio working in the contemporary craft sector being undertaken by 65-70% of makers. The individuals behind these figures and their stories are explored in a new qualitative research study commissioned by the Crafts Council called Making Value: craft and the economic and social contribution of makers.
Public art projects, residencies and commissions in non-gallery spaces.
Supported by Arts Council England, Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) and its Renaissance Programme, museumaker involves sixteen museums across the UK in commissioning makers to create new work in response to the venue, and its collections.
A National Trust and Arts Council England partnership will build links between the Trust and contemporary arts and craft sector.
Led by the PITT artist-led space and Worcestershire Contemporary Artists in partnership with the main Worcester City Gallery, The Worcester Open 2010 Contemporary Art project is organised for artists by artists.
The Hive on Lever Street in Manchester’s notorious Northern Quarter launched events of May’s Future Everything Festival 2010 art strand.
“It’s hard for all working mums (and dads) to find a work/life balance isn’t it – what’s so different for artists?” This was a question posed recently by a friend over dinner. I’d been banging on about APT – Artist Parents Talking – specifically about APT’s current search for funding, without stopping to think that she might not understand the basic premise of the network.
The final shortlist for the UK’s biggest painting competition, the John Moores Contemporary Painting Prize, will be on display at the Walker Art Gallery 18 September 2010 – 3 January 2011, within the Liverpool Biennial.
In May, Culture Minister Jeremy Hunt announced cuts to the arts to take immediate effect. Here
Art of Digital London is an Arts Council England programme designed to help London Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) develop strong strategies for connecting with audiences via technology.
A programme of research into the lifestyle and artistic needs of senior artists in Canada with reference to international case-studies will inform developments by AIR – Artists Interaction and Representation.
The forth and final Creative Scotland dialogue event was held at the impressively refurbished Briggait building on the banks of the River Clyde, Glasgow.