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Resource Archive News archive

Vaizey defends ACE cuts

Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries defended the decision to cut the Arts Council’s budget by a disproportionate 4% at the launch of Arts and Business initiative The Big Arts Give.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2010 July

In the face of a new political era compounded by an unprecedented financial climate, the need to forecast our future living and working conditions is urgently felt.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Ongoing debate

Approaching this ongoing debate in a-n Magazine from back to front, I read with interest David Minton’s lyrical and provocative text in his Artists Talking blog, sat with it for a few days, and was moved to repost it on my website, before reading the previous month’s correspondence.

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Sixes & Sevens group shot
Resource Archive Feature

Against the grain

Striving and surviving in the do it yourself art world; curating, managing members, self-publishing. Richard Taylor talks to three recently founded artists’ groups about doing it ‘DIY’, progress so far and what the future holds.

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Resource Archive Feature

NAN in conversation with Club Shepway

In December 2008, Club Shepway was granted a NAN Go and See bursary to travel to France for research and development. Emilia Telese talks to the group about the bursary and its impact.

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Resource Archive Feature

NAN in conversation with Claremont Studios

In March 2008, Claremont Studios was granted a NAN Go and See bursary to travel to visit a number of like-minded artist-led initiatives in the UK for research and development. Emilia Telese talks to the group about the bursary and its impact.

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Resource Archive Feature

Further research

Exploring research options on offer to post-graduate students at a selection of UK-based universities and art schools.

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Conversation Pieces
Resource Archive Feature

Random acts of art

In spring 2010 Spacex invited three UK-based artists to develop new work in response to Exeter’s West Quarter, where the gallery is located. The artists facilitated collaborative encounters and conversations with local residents. Amy Feneck interviewed people about the notion of ‘independent spirit’ in order to develop a script for a new film, Epilogue. Operating from her mobile portraiture studio, Lady Lucy documented encounters in her paintings ‘The Court Portraits’. Volkhardt Müller worked with people to create a series of performed actions on video. Majorette Rehearsing centered around the idea of the majorette as a West Quarter archetype; a paradoxical figure of individual aspiration, community celebration and carnival. For this feature, Volkhardt Müller reflects on his project with Spacex Project Coordinator, Martha Crean.

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Fiona MacDonald, Cumulissa, 2009.
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine June 2010

Contents include: Post-graduate research options plus art fairs and open studios features; The new politics in Debate; Collaborative relationships features artist Volkhardt Müller and Spacex project coordinator Martha Crean discussing a participatory project in Exeter. PDF version [size 5 MB]. […]

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The Beauty from Within
Resource Archive News archive

Strong voice for artists

AIR – Artists Interaction and Representation will later this year be providing a much-needed platform for artists to identify and lead campaigns to improve their professional status and economic conditions, supported by a secondment to AIR from Canadian Artists Representation.

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Resource Archive News archive

Digital practices

‘Digital Continuities: from the history of digital art to contemporary transmedial practices’ formed a key strand at March’s Association of Art Historian’s conference. Organised by Nick Lambert from Birkbeck’s CAT project, his vision was to assemble a group of interested academics and think through some of the more contemporary aspects of digital arts activity.

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Resource Archive News archive

Cultural workforce snapshot

The NCA has launched its Cultural Workforce Survey in order to gather data from everyone who works in the cultural sector, including CEOs, Chairs, Board Members/Trustees, Employers, Employees, Freelancers, Interns and Volunteers. With this data, they hope to create a snapshot of what the cultural workforce looks like today and find out how people really feel about the work that they do.

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Resource Archive News archive

New Culture Secretary

Jeremy Hunt MP has been appointed Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport. He was Shadow Culture Secretary 2007-10.

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Resource Archive News archive

AIR members get Payback

Sarah Burgess, David Cotterrell, Peter Hill and David Watson were amongst 186 AIR members who successfully claimed Payback in 2009, the first year that AIR has been a recognised collection agency for this scheme run by DACS – Design and Artists Copyright Society.

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Resource Archive News archive

Away from home

Artquest’s international practice seminar held in March at A Foundation London coincided with the ‘Journeys with No Return’ exhibition. Speakers included: artist and exhibitor Kiran Kaur Brar, whose residency in Istanbul was part of this three-city project; project curator Alice […]

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part of ?HALLelujah 2? group exhibition
Resource Archive News archive

Rules of engagement

The rules of collective art: social engagement and collaboration in contemporary art, hosted by Head of Education Outreach at National Galleries Robin Baillie and Glasgow School of Art’s Ken Neil formed a strand in this year’s conference for the Association of Art Historians.

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