Archive - Page 22 of 114 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Resource Archive Feature

NAN in conversation with Meltdowns

Ramsgate-based artist-led initiative Meltdowns was awarded a NAN Go and See bursary in February 2008 to visit the Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Aberdeen for research and development. Emilia Telese talks to Stacy Keeler of Meltdowns about their experience.

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Resource Archive Discussion

RE Weakening the Foundations 2

Being a first time buyer of your magazine I read your letters page with amazement. Is this really the first time that issues about the pretentiousness of the art world have been raised in such depth?

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2010 April

Antony Gormley’s One and Other commission for the Fourth Plinth last year, and more recently Michael Landy’s Art Bin project at South London Gallery both suggest the emergence of a new form of artwork that has the capacity to engage mass audiences directly.

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Why are Artists Poor?
Resource Archive Discussion

Why are Artists Poor?

On 3 December 2009 I attended an Arts Breakfast at Deveron Arts, Huntly. Arts Breakfasts form a staple diet within the Deveron Arts programme.

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Resource Archive Feature

NAN in conversation with Intoart

In June 2009, London-based artists’ initiative Intoart was granted a NAN Go and See bursary to travel to Glasgow and visit like-minded arts organisation Project Ability. Emilia Telese talks to Ella Ritchie of Intoart about the bursary and its impact on the group.

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Resource Archive Discussion

RE Weakening the Foundations

Having just read the article about Weakening the Foundations in art and design I am not sure just what is Chris Milton’s gripe.

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Heart of the estate
Resource Archive Document

How to work with artists

This ‘how to’ guide explores the nuts and bolts of working with artists collaboratively and effectively. With introduction by Jayne Knight, Arts Development Manager, Suffolk County Council. PDF file [Size 1.2 mb]

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Security Blanket
Resource Archive Feature

2010 Degrees

Introducing our student online subscription offer, how to use Degrees unedited and signposting excellent ways to promote final-year shows.

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Resource Archive News archive

Glasgow International

Glasgow’s museums, galleries, streets, bridges and hidden spaces will showcase the work of national and international artists when Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art returns in April 2010, building on the success of the 2008 Festival.

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Resource Archive News archive

Life: A User’s Manual

Art Sheffield 2010 – Life: A User’s Manual, showcasing work by locally, nationally and internationally based artists takes place across Sheffield from 6 March until 1 May 2010.

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Resource Archive News archive

Zero budget biennial

Curated by Joanna Fiduccia and Chris Sharp, The Zero Budget Biennial is billed as the biennial to end all biennials.

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Resource Archive News archive

Digital development support

Yorkshire’s Artimelt Academy is The Culture Company’s new support programme for arts organisations and individuals that wish to develop knowledge and ideas with the purpose of producing proposals of strong creative media content for digital and social media funding programmes such as Channel 4’s 4iP programme, The Wellcome Trust’s Arts Award scheme and Grants for the Arts from Arts Council England.

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Cerbyd map
Resource Archive News archive

Inspiration and enlightenment

Wales-based artists will have the opportunity to travel the length and breadth of the country for inspiration and enlightenment thanks to a project created by artists Tom Goddard and Brian Watkins.

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Louise Wirz and curator Gavin Wade
Resource Archive News archive

a-n news

Sadly, a-n’s Director of Development, Louise Wirz, is leaving to explore new territories.

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Sentient Orbs
Resource Archive Feature

On the cover – 2010 March

Littlewhitehead, Sentient Orbs, mixed media installation, 2009. Installation view at Talbot Rice Gallery (part of ‘Grey Matter’ exhibition).

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Sentient Orbs
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine March 2010

Contents include: Residencies and communities feature; the future of foundation courses in Debate; Big picture is Conflict by Kerry Jameson; Christine Wilcox-Baker recounts her residency at Tatton park in Collaborative relationships. PDF version [size 5 MB]. Requires PDF reader. a-n […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2010 March

Through its ongoing research and dialogue with artists, a-n aims to identify themes that consistently appear in each and every artist’s requirements, no matter how diverse their practice.

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Resource Archive Discussion

RE Art Today

Well done Renos Lavthis for your letter in support of John Nutt’s December letter with regard to the debate on art today.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Re Notions of contemporary art

When I look at many of the images and articles that frequently appear on various sites over the web and in contemporary art magazines including a-n, I can feel my whole artistic beingand personality sinking into some sort of hopeless psychological swamp or pit.

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