Archive - Page 38 of 114 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Early Birds
Resource Archive News archive

New animations

Animate Projects is looking for ambitious, original and thought-provoking proposals that develop the possibilities of animation: films that explore ideas of what animation is, with new forms and processes, compelling narratives, and challenging content.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Interview expenses

Recent correspondents have made some very valid points regarding unpaid public art commissions.

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4 Memory Windows
Resource Archive Discussion

Empowered up

I have been reading with great interest and thinking a lot about the issue of unpaid public art proposals (a-n Magazine, Letters, April, May, June).

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The WomenÕs Land Army
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine June 2008

Contents include: Swansea round-up in Reviews, plus Charles Danby on artist Chloë Steele and the curatorial role of Day and Gluckman. Artists Sarah Craske and Stacy Keeler and Margate Rock’s curator Jessica Baum discuss their working relationship. Summary of artists […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Artists’ profiles 2

Frances Lord pulls together themes and strands that emerge from sixteen newly-commissioned interviews, which reflect the sheer diversity of working practice within the applied arts.

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The drowning of Tuvalu
Resource Archive Feature

Kent rocks

Kent, and the Kent Coast in particular, has become host to a series of contemporary art festivals and international events.

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Resource Archive Discussion


Reading the thoughts of four graduate artists from 1998 in, That was Then, but This is Now (2008 Degrees, May 2008), I couldn’t help reflecting on my own experiences, graduating as a mature student from the Masters programme at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, where I had spent two challenging and happy years pursuing ideas about the creative process itself, using Franz Kafka and Henri Bergson as foil and focus for my final work.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2008 June

Artists’ organisation CARFAC played a pivotal role in last year’s Ottawa Visual Arts Summit where formal and informal gatherings brought artists, administrators, academics and volunteers together to set direction for the visual arts community in the coming years.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Unpaid public art commissions

I am writing in support of the letter by a large group of artists in a-n Magazine, April, addressing the problem of unpaid design work public art commissions.

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The Women's Land Army
Resource Archive Feature

On the cover – 2008 June

Sarah Craske & Stacy Keeler, The Womens’ Land Army, found materials, plant and performance. Commissioned by Margate Rocks 08.

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Hotchpotch VII
Resource Archive News archive

Graduates on show

Students from universities and art colleges across the UK will be travelling to the capital to showcase their work over the summer.

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Florence Trust Open Studios 2008
Resource Archive Feature

Inside the studio 2

In the second part of our focus on open studio events we profile four organisations providing space as well as the opportunity to exhibit and sell.

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Resource Archive News archive

Photo festival

The largest UK annual event of its kind, Hereford Photography Festival celebrates its 18th year in 2008.

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Strolling on a Saturday afternoon
Resource Archive News archive

United we stand

Round-up of support to artists policies in Canada, England and Australia.

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Resource Profile

Outstanding glass

Eighty-one artists have been selected from 235 applicants for the 2008 Glass Biennale exhibition.

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Fictive Days
Resource Archive News archive

Berlin initiatives

Berlin plays host to two events that utilise openness as a means of operation; naturally resulting in two distinctly different outcomes.

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Resource Archive News archive


Seven Midlands-based producers and curators have taken part in an innovative programme, Momentum, to develop their ideas and support them in making art.

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Untitled (Foster you're dead)
Resource Archive News archive

Art in Basel

The first week in June will see around 60,000 artists, collectors, gallerists, curators, and art enthusiasts from across the globe flock to the Swiss town of Basel for the 39th edition of Art Basel.

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Rogue Rouge
Resource Archive Feature

The Artist as social entrepreneur

In early April 2008, fifteen artists from around the UK took part in a research visit to Lille, France, entitled ‘The Artist as Social Entrepreneur’.

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Flower Head - Narcissistic Butterfly
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine May 2008

Contents include: Artists respond to call for commission proposal fees, open studio events previewed, digital art and new media artforms reviewed. New Collaborative relationships series on artists and collaborators – this issue curators give insights into their practice. Work by […]

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2008 Degrees
Resource Archive Document

2008 Degrees

Showcase of the best art and design graduate shows. Includes updates from six of last year’s bloggers and from four graduating artists that featured in a-n’s Degree show supplement 1998 publication who review their progress. Downloadable pdf version [size 4.1MB]. […]

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