Archive - Page 40 of 114 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Resource Archive Feature

Do it with others

This article by founders and Directors Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett was originally published in Coding Cultures: A Handbook, commissioned by Francesca da Rimini and d/lux/MediaArts in 2007. Catlow and Garrett discuss the origin and mission of and how its participatory platforms are art production tools.

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Resource Archive Feature

Forma annual review 2005/06

Report first published in 2007 on after an exciting year in which Forma achieved substantial growth in terms of programme, turnover and structure.

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20 Assorted Colour Inks (Burnt Sienna)
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine April 2008

Contents include: How do other artists feel about unpaid public art competitions? Reviews from Luxembourg, Glasgow and Rotterdam. Artist-led strategies and programmes that support professional development plus report on Professional development through networking scheme. Artists developing their practice and careers […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Production lines

With reference to the production of inter-disciplinary visual arts, Charlotte Frost indicates the types of activities involved, art forms which respond well to this style of collaboration and some of the difficulties experienced by production agencies in working in this way.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2008 April

Gillian Nicol introduces this month’s a-n Collection and considers the implication of the ACE Turning point recommendations on RFOs.

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Miss B's Salons
Resource Archive News archive

Artist-led developments

Artist-led strategies to support professional development have often proved to be the most successful.

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Destination: Geodecity
Resource Archive News archive

Artists as activators

Initiated by New Work Network (NWN) in 2007, the Activator programme is a developing strategy to build on the organisation’s track record for supporting the development of new performance, live and interdisciplinary arts.

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Waygood Gallery and Studios
Resource Archive News archive

Capital developments

Plans for a major new centre for the contemporary arts, the first of its kind in the North of Scotland, were approved in February by the Scottish Government.

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Black form
Resource Archive News archive

Crafts awards

The Crafts Council Development Award is aimed at makers in the first three years of their practice, working in England.

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Resource Archive News archive

Leaving its mark

The Collecting Live Art symposium that launched independent curatorial initiative Collecting Live Art addressed key issues surrounding the collection, sustainability and legacy of live art.

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Resource Archive News archive

Mainstreaming creativity

The first ever comprehensive plan for government support for the creative industries was published in February.

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Resource Archive News archive

Quotes of the month

“The vague meanderings and fly-blown world of kitsch post modernism seem to have lost their ways..

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Resource Archive Discussion

Climate change

The media is awash with commentary about ‘climate change’, a serious issue that of course affects every one of us.

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Untitled installation
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine March 2008

Contents include: AIR Artist’s advisory group response to McMaster review. Rachel Lois Clapham sees parallels between Aaron Head’s exhibition and works by Helen Chadwick, Bob and Roberta Smith and Rirkrit Tiravanija. Visual arts funding news from England, Scotland and Wales. […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2008 March

This month’s Research papers: Art work in 2007 draws on intelligence held within the data researched and published continuously by a-n for our jobs and opportunities.

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Underwater Wheelchair
Resource Archive Feature

Persuasive applications

Are you thinking of applying for a grant or award? Over £2.3m was openly offered in these categories through a-n’s Jobs and opportunities last year. As it’s a highly competitive activity, we’ve compiled this guide to making applications, including some ‘top tips’ from a range of experienced artists, curators, and arts professionals…

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Untitled Installation
Resource Archive Feature

On the cover – 2008 March

Jennifer Taylor, Untitled Installation, exhibited at Flowers East in the exhibition ‘Says the Junk in the Yard’, 2007. Courtesy: the Artist and David Roberts.

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Brian Holmes, Naeem Mohaiemen, Yassin Musharbash, Loretta Napoleoni, transmediale 08 - conference
Resource Archive Discussion

Imperfect things

Micheal O’Connell traverses the fine lines of media art at Transmediale08 in Berlin.

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