Archive - Page 42 of 114 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Playtime for Alicia the Seal (Pathetic Fallacy Revisited)
Resource Archive News archive

Plan 9

Bristol-based artist-led commissioning and curating body Plan 9 are moving to a new home – the Old Bridewell Police Station in the city centre.

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Some Kinds of Weather Create Situations (detail)
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine January 2008

Contents include: Can artists engage in collaboration without slipping into a parasitic relationship? Helen Knowles on her experiences. Reviews includes group show at Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, Fiona Curran at Mac, Birmingham and Neil Webb at Bloc, Sheffield. Susan Jones explores […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2008 January

As we welcome in 2008, we looked back into the a-n archive of editorials to explore contexts preceding and also asked some artists for their ‘new year’s resolutions for the arts’.

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Civic Heart Arch
Resource Archive Feature

Art in the public realm

Exploring the roles and reasons of selected organisations dedicated to widening access to the visual arts through commissioning temporary and permanent interventions in non-gallery spaces in the first of a two-part feature.

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Resource Archive Discussion

And there’s more

I think that a-n has been extremely unfair in the matter of Andrew Bryant. First you print his unbearably smug blog, allowing us to marvel at his crass and derivative musings. Then, of all the letters of protest you must […]

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In Your Own Time
Resource Archive Discussion

Emergency3 Interviews

Theo Wood talks to two of the judges of this year’s Emergency open exhibition at Aspex in Portsmouth.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Birth Rites

Is it possible for artists to truly engage in collaborative work with other practitioners of different disciplines without them slipping into a parasitic relationship?

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Resource Archive Discussion

Art is about responsibility?

I’d like to be able to say that I disagree with Andrew Bryant’s arguments but would fight to the death for his right to express them. The unfortunate fact is that I agree with many of his points, but feel […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Northern Rock

The problems of recent months at Northern Rock bank has raised concerns about the future stability of Northern Rock Foundation, supported through an annual donation of 5% of Northern Rock plc’s pre-tax profits.

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The Homerton Playscape Multiple Struggle Niche
Resource Archive News archive

Liverpool biennial

Liverpool Biennial was recognised with an award for ‘Putting the North West on the Map’ at the region’s Art 07 awards in October. The award acknowledges its success in commissioning international artists to make challenging work in Liverpool.

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Nouveau Britons - Nightmare
Resource Archive News archive

Creative Scotland

Changes announced in November to the draft bill to establish Creative Scotland means that like its predecessors Scottish Arts Council and Scottish Screen, it will enjoy complete autonomy when providing financial and other support to those working in the creative […]

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'Don't be racist to Jamaica, Love Black' - Participant of Say it Loud!
Resource Archive News archive

Studio residency

Ana Laura Lopez de la Torre has succeeded Isa Suarez as Southwark’s artist in residence. The successful recipient of the Acme’s second studio residency in Southwark, she is based at Galleria Studios, Peckham. Ana Laura, who talked about her practice […]

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Resource Archive News archive

New spaces

After a successful three years in London’s East End, C4RD (Centre for Recent Drawing) is moving to larger premises in Highbury, Islington, and a more accessible location. As a non-profit organisation and museum space, the whole space is dedicated to […]

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Moose Memory
Resource Archive News archive

Trampoline anniversary

Trampoline, the East Midlands’ platform event for new media art, celebrated its tenth anniversary in November at Broadway, Nottingham. The event offered an array of performances, video screenings, installations and other works that utilised the many spaces provided by the […]

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The Shadow of Death
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine December 2007

Contents include: Rob Kesseler comments on ‘Firing Thoughts’ ceramics conference and Gabrielle Hoad reviews five artists’ interventions in museum exhibition on abolition of slavery. Permanent studio space, options in England, Wales and Ireland discussed. Value of Creative Partnership’s work within […]

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Ceramic jar and cover
Resource Archive News archive

Crafts celebrated

‘Makers and Movers’ opened at the Crafts Study Centre in December for a one-year showing. The works on show reveal the remarkable contribution to craft practice and development by twelve artists who, since 1970, have also been trustees of the Centre.

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Resource Archive News archive

Gallery closures

After the October’s decision by Dorset County Council not to grant a 99-year lease to Sherborne House Trust, the trustees have no alternative but closure. Although the programme is due to run to August 2008 the house could be forced […]

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Resource Archive News archive

New vision for CAS

Paul Hobson’s appointment as Director of the Contemporary Art Society marks activation of a new vision designed to build on CAS’s considerable track-record and forecasts a new role in the national visual arts environment in the run-up to the organisation’s centenary in 2010.

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Rocking Bowls
Resource Archive News archive

Nifty fifty

The Craft Potters Association is fifty years’ old this year.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2007 December

It’s been fascinating to watch the lively turnover of postings on Interface1 since its launch, both critical writing posted to Reviews unedited and a-n subscribers posting details of their upcoming shows on Interface What’s on.

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ACAVA Blechynden Studios
Resource Archive Feature

Space for artists

Many artists aspire to permanent studio space, whether self-initiated or rented through a specialist organisation. Here, we explore some current options for artists and makers with the focus not only on developments in London but also elsewhere in England, Wales and Ireland.

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