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Black Field (detail)
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine October 2007

Contents include: Crafts strategy examined plus Focus on rural arts initiatives. Alex Hartley’s photographs draw attention to potential for architecture. Jerwood shortlist: drawings by Kerry Phippen, Adam Sunderland and Holly Atrum. New a-n+AIR Public and products liability insurance for AIR members, plus Interface site launched. PDF version [size 8,655 kb]. Requires pdf reader.

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Country living cover
Resource Archive Document

Country living

Country living puts a spotlight on artistic activity in rural locations. Rosemary Shirley’s opening essay explores her frustration with the dominance of urban culture and assumptions often made about artistic practice that takes place outside of it. She highlights practices […]

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The Garden of Earthly Delights
Resource Archive Feature

Digital resources

Exploring selected arts organisation with significant facilities and programmes for digital and new media practices.

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Black Field (detail)
Resource Archive Feature

On the cover – 2007 October

Zadok Ben-David, Black Field (detail), site-specific installation, hand painted, acid etched stainless steel, dimensions varied, 2007.

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Resource Archive Feature

Rural initiatives

Highlighting new projects by organisations located in Aberdeenshire, Cumbria, Devon, Dumfries, Fife, Mull, Lancashire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Suffolk, and Western Isles. “There is, in truth, nothing essentially backward-looking, conservative or traditional in rural culture. There are too many innovators, in too […]

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extract from Karen Magazine
Resource Archive Feature

Country living

Rosemary Shirley explores her frustration with the dominance of urban culture and assumptions often made about artistic practice that takes place outside of it, in an a-n Collection that puts a spotlight on artistic activity in rural locations. 

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Resource Archive Discussion

Insurance for artists

In November, a public liability insurance scheme aimed especially at practising visual and applied artists will be launched through a-n. Here we set out the context for the new scheme and highlight the research by Platform 3 that has informed it.

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Resource Archive Discussion

What is critical writing?

Chris Brown, Reviews Editor for a-n Magazine, talks to a selection of writers about the practice and pitfalls of taking up the pen.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Strangely sterile

If Andrew Bryant is “trying to figure out what kind of artist I am”, what is his role as a teacher? His blog seemed to show what I consider is ‘wrong’ with so-called conceptual art of the recent (ie Saatchi) […]

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Murmuration at Embassy Court
Resource Archive Discussion


Corrections from the September issue of a-n Magazine.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Well done

Just a quick note to say well done on developing such an easy to use, and very useful tool. Congratulations! I’m delighted to say that after using four years of self-employed accounts to work out the figures for each of […]

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Gateshead Plates
Resource Archive News archive

Crafts strategy launched

After a far-reaching review and reshaping exercise, the Crafts Council has launched its new three-year plan. Describing itself as the national development agency for contemporary crafts in the UK, its key areas of work for the future are summarised as […]

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Don't Hurt Me
Resource Archive News archive


The Mayfly connotes ephemerality, a point no doubt in the minds of those naming this series of three one-day events.

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Resource Archive Feature


Patricia Fleming discusses the relationship with the art market for artists and curators in Wales and Scotland.

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Resource Archive News archive

Drawing conclusion

Seventy-seven artists have been shortlisted for 2007 Jerwood Drawing Prize, which includes a first prize of £6,000, a second prize of £3,000, and two student awards each of £1,000. Included are Holly Antrum, Lucy Austin, Catherine Bertola, Lizzie Cannon, Julie […]

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The Tetra Phase
Resource Archive News archive

Eye in the sky

Nottingham-based Reactor’s newly-commissioned, site-specific project, The Tetra Phase set in Manchester’s The Old Fire Station beside Piccadilly Station employs CCTV to offer a unique perspective. Set in this disused historic building – known only as The Station – it presents […]

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This Edible Map (detail)
Resource Archive News archive

Left luggage

Involving ten artists and two curators, ‘The Suitcase Project’ provides an extended period of international collaboration between Cardiff and Copenhagen, creating works that fit into a suitcase. The project developed around ideas of portability, travel and transition. In keeping with […]

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Resource Archive News archive

On the edge

If you’re awash with the trappings of bureaucracy that get attached to your project and are beginning to wonder where the art practice has got to, be inspired by a new publication from an organisation committed to ideas and futures. […]

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Drawing Between
Resource Archive News archive

Floating world

Initiated by Glenn Holman and Andy Parsons in 2003, the aim of Floating world is to identify ways in which artists can disseminate their ideas widely using the medium of artists’ books.

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Diagram 1, The Art Eco-System Model
Resource Archive Feature

Trade off: Markets for art in the UK

Emilia Telese’s opening essay offers analysis of the markets for art in the UK highlighting the ‘contradictions and idiosyncrasies’ of the relationship between artists and money,

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a-n Magazine September 2007
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine September 2007

Contents include: ‘Making Artists Visible’ focuses on open studio events while in ‘Workspace for Artists’ studios and workshops are in the spotlight. In reviews Alex Hetherington at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Dr Stephen Riley reflects on insightful videos by Thust and Raban in the exhibition ‘North and South’. PDF version [size 11.3MB]. Requires pdf reader.

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Trade off cover
Resource Archive Document

Trade off: Markets for art in the UK

Trade off draws on intelligence gathered at the NAN Roadshow events focused on themes around the art market. Emilia Telese’s opening essay offers analysis of the markets for art in the UK and introduces the set of newly commissioned articles […]

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