Archive - Page 47 of 114 - a-n The Artists Information Company

This artist group will undertake a residency as part of Project base.
Resource Archive News archive

Project base

The contemporary visual arts organisation ProjectBase has been established to commission internationally established artists to work with local communities to present exciting and innovative projects.

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Resource Archive News archive

Scottish changes

Radical changes in funding arrangements are due at the Scottish Arts Council (SAC) following last year’s strategic review.

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photograph from the Peer series
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine June 2007

Contents include: European collaboration and cultural diversity: in news a conference in Estonia, commissions for Subdoh Gupta, Rashid Rana, and comment on the 8th Sharjah Biennial. Simon Zimmerman asks if you can afford not to visit a new website on pensions for artists. PDF version [size 7.5MB]. Requires pdf reader.

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Good Practice cover
Resource Archive Document

Good practice for new artists

An introduction to the wide range of practical and insightful material available to new artists on Includes Artists’ profiles that illustrate how artists from a range of practices and disciplines have negotiated their own paths through the art world. […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

The arts debate

Since November 2006, Arts Council England has been asking all across the land to add their views on the public value of the arts.

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Resource Archive News archive

Perspectives on Venice

The 52nd Venice Bienniale that launches in June combines exhibitions of significant visual art from international artists with passeggiata and associated networking opportunities on the grandest scale for the throng of curators and artists who will assemble there. The main […]

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Blue Silesian Woman No.1
Resource Archive News archive

Croatian exchange

‘Heroes in Transition’ at Nottingham’s Angel Row Gallery brings some of Croatia’s best new artists to the UK for the first time.

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All Eyes Skywards During Annual Parade
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New commissions

Shisha will present new site-specific events for Manchester International Festival’s Manchester Firsts, through commissions for international artists Subodh Gupta and Rashid Rana.

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European collaboration

Collaboration across the European education institutes was the theme at a recent conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

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Storm #2
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Cultural diversity

As I was chaperoned around the 8th Sharjah Biennial: Art, Ecology and the Politics of Change, the Emirate reminded me of Phoenix Arizona, but instead of US patriotism pervading, Islam sits relaxingly alongside the logos of KFC, Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Pizza Hut, shopping malls and building construction.

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Resource Archive News archive

London group

Formed in 1913, the London Group developed as an alternative to the conservatism of the New English Art Club (NEAC) and Royal Academy (RA), institutions which at that time gave (some) artists an opportunity to show their work through open submission.

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Positive negative leaf forms
Resource Archive News archive


Since graduating in 1993 I have made outdoor sculpture in my studio located on a farm in Kent.

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Portrait of Adam Reynolds c. 1983
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Memorial bursary

Adam Reynolds was a remarkable and inspiring individual. Soon after birth he was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy leaving him with a physical disability.

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Resource Archive News archive

Films for radio

Film London and BBC Radio 4 are collaborating on The City Speaks, a project bringing together twelve of the capital’s artist film-makers and writers to create a series of films for radio.

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Resource Archive Feature

The artist’s development toolkit

This online self-completing toolkit is designed to enable visual and applied artists to develop themselves and their practice accordingly to their own interests and circumstances.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Password security

Thanks to a subscriber’s suggestion we have tightened our password security.

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Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine May 2007

Contents include: Istanbul and Bucharest Biennials. Call for re-appraisal of proposed Culture (Scotland) Bill, the cultural diversity debate revitalised by Richard Hylton’s new book and family values re-framed in the ‘Mum and Dad Show’ – but what connects TV’s ‘Family […]

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2007 degrees
Resource Archive Document

2007 degrees

Our showcase of the best art and design graduate shows with extracts from this year’s graduating student blogs and updates on where last years bloggers are now.
Downloadable pdf version [size 4.94MB]. Requires pdf reader.

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The Alternative Bus Tour
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Art in public

Four South East England artists won awards in March, to enable them to undertake new public art projects.

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