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Impact of networking
Resource Archive Document

Impact of networking

Second part of Jane Watt’s review of the Networking Artists’ Networks (NAN) initiative, which aims to qualify NAN’s key principles, identify outcomes and highlight areas for future development. pfd version [size: 737KB]. Requires pdf reader.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Future funding

With a government spending review impending, the value of culture has had high scale profiling recently.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Fees update

Paul Matosic’s letter (June issue) raises important issues for all artists for whom operating professionally is vital.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Pensions for artists survey

The Customer Management Team (TCMT) is undertaking a review of pensions within the artistic community so we can better understand their views of current pension provision.

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As Big as a House
Resource Archive News archive

Thinking about public art

In the past, the products of public art tended to be manifested through regeneration schemes such as the GardenFestivals (Stoke on Trent, Glasgow and Gateshead) and a spirited campaign instigated by the (then) Arts Council of Great Britain for ‘per cent for art’.

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I Love America And America Loves Me
Resource Archive News archive

Prizes and awards

Art prizes are much valued by artists, not only because they provide some much-needed cash that can go towards new work but also for their profile-raising value that supports artists’ career development.

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Resource Archive News archive

New film fund

The Channel 4 British Documentary Film Foundation in conjunction with Arts Council England and with the support of the Institute of Contemporary Arts has launched BRITDOCART.

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Peak Days 2004
Resource Archive News archive

New online gallery

An innovative and thought-provoking online photography gallery showcasing the best in regional talent, was launched in June.

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Resource Archive News archive

Studio moves

Pallas Heights Gallery and Pallas Studios have been forced to close after serving the art and local communities for ten years in the North Inner City of Dublin.

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Park Land
Resource Archive News archive

Curator appointed

Hannah Firth will be the Curator for Wales at the Venice Biennale of Art 2007, joining the team headed by Michael Nixon.

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Resource Archive News archive

Markets for art

The Art Guide is a web-based listings site from Castlefield Gallery.

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Dual Image with Red, Brown and Blue (Double-sided Perspex relief for Tramway)
Resource Archive News archive

New commissions

Toby Paterson’s commission for Glasgow’s Tramway has now been permanently installed.

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Resource Archive News archive

To be or not to be

Last year FASED hosted a panel discussion about the place of disability in creative identity.

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Resource Archive News archive

European funds

For those worried about the impact of loss of EU funds for their cultural industries information and business development programmes, keep a beady eye on As ever, the bureaucracy is running behind the practicalities and whilst the Culture 2000 […]

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Bruxelles 05
Resource Archive News archive

Die Spinnerei

The Spinnerei is a compelling place, because of the great creative atmosphere and the availability of large, dynamic show spaces.

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Thought Monster Invasion Have you seen my keys anywhere?
Resource Archive News archive


As a textile artist based in Nottingham, I am currently one of nine artists and craft makers in the East Midlands engaged in Connect @The Usher Gallery.

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Pink Ball of Wool Deckchair
Resource Archive News archive

Flying egg

On 23 July the High Street of picturesque Southwold, jewel of the Suffolk coast, will be shut to traffic to become an al fresco museum of the bizarre.

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