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Resource Archive News archive

Subscriber events and Frieze

Following our September Subscriber events at Springhill Institute in Birmingham and Castlefield Gallery in Manchester we’re out and about around the UK again, as part of our 25 year celebrations. Forthcoming subscriber events are in: Cumbria, Saturday 15 October. An […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Student access to a-n

We’ve already had fourteen establishments sign up to our new subscriber package, offered in conjunction with JISC (The Joint Information Systems Committee) within a couple of weeks of its launch and have many more currently taking part in a free […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Future forecast – join in

We’re now halfway through our year-long enquiry into artists’ practice and aspirations, towards identifying and making the case for better resources to support their future needs. Subscribers can read the Future forecast: Future space edited publication and interviews in full […]

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Resource Archive News archive


It’s part of our role to take knowledge about artists and their practice into consultations and conferences that impact on future cultural planning. Within this, we’re currently contributing to the national advisory group created by Arts Council England to review […]

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Woodward Place
Resource Archive Feature

Ten two zero zero five

ten two zero zero five is a collection of eclectic writings that are embedded within sites of specificity as defined by their subject matter.

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The Masterpiece
Resource Archive Feature

I, Wannabe

Adam Sutherland’s contribution to ten two zero zero five, a-n Collections.

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A retrospective (tomorrow is another fine day)
Resource Archive Feature


Sally O’Reilly’s contribution to ten two zero zero five, a-n Collections.

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Monument to David Harper, the Casual Passer-By I Met at 11.28am, London 1972
Resource Archive Feature

The Campaign

Sacha Craddock’s contribution to ten two zero zero five, a-n Collections.

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Field of Vision
Resource Archive Feature

Have NAN, will travel

S Mark Gubb takes a look back at the first year of the NAN bursary scheme and the artists groups it has supported, exploring the advantages of knowing that “you are not alone”.

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Resource Archive Feature

There’s gold in dem der hills

With Arts Council England’s Grants for the arts scheme back after a summer break, a-n engaged a team of experienced prospectors to share their top tips on making successful funding applications. Rosemary Shirley reports.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2005 October

Exchange between public and private can be difficult – as politicians find when arguing for corporate investment into education, healthcare and transport. But what might first appear to be radically different viewpoints are perhaps less so when notions of sustainability […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Dear Paulo

Yes we did find your comments quite amusing in our post match knees up. Oh dear, you got it all wrong. Funnily enough on the other side of the bridge the text is in Italian! Oops, there goes your lame […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Who the hell…

Paul O’Kane’s excessively witless review of the ‘excessive wit’ in my paintings shown at the ‘Borealis’ exhibition (a-n Magazine September) is just that. Who the hell is this ‘renowned’ George Blacklock? Renowned for what? I’ve never heard of him, nor […]

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Resource Archive News archive

May You Live In Interesting Times

‘May You Live In Interesting Times’ is Cardiff’s inaugural festival of creative technology. Taking place across the Welsh capital 28-30 October, the festival has been developed between Chapter and Bloc (Creative Technology Wales) and includes a two-day conference, new commissions, […]

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Celtic Chaos
Resource Archive News archive

Craft Northern Ireland

Following a period of research and consultation a new strategic development body, Craft Northern Ireland (CNI), is launched this autumn. Its remit is to “develop the creative and cultural resources of the people of Northern Ireland in both cultural and […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Connect and create

Surrey’s fourth annual Connect and Create arts conference is on 19 October. Hosted by Surrey County Arts, ‘Culture Me Happy! What is culture and is it good for you?’ looks at what we mean by culture and how culture and […]

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Washington and his daughter
Resource Archive News archive

Awards and commissions

Once we were Africans Black Arts Alliance has commissioned photographer Anthony Jones to photograph ten, black, multi-generational families living in the Greater Manchester area as part of ‘Acts of Achievement’, the north west of England’s annual celebration of Black History […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Doing the right thing for artists

By the time this article is printed, the ink will almost be dry on the law which will introduce into the UK the most important new right for artists in modern copyright history. From 1 January 2006, and after ten […]

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Impressions Gallery
Resource Archive News archive

Relocation, relocation

Impressions Gallery in York will relocate after thirty-three years in the city, closing its doors to the public on 29 October after Mariele Neudecker’s ‘kindertotenlieder’ exhibition. For the gallery, which attracts some 50,000 visitors a year, the Grade II status […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Making an application

A few points on making an application to Arts Council England’s Grants for the arts scheme. One key difficulty is contacting your local Arts Council England (ACE) arts officer. All too frequently emails or calls are not returned and this […]

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Resource Archive News archive


Subscribers to a-n will have found enclosed a copy of NewcastleGateshead by Layla Curtis, commissioned by Locus+ and previewed in last month’s What’s on section. 30,000 copies of the map will be distributed across North East England to coincide with […]

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