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Two Grey Jumpers
Resource Archive Document

a-n magazine September 2005

Contents include: Checklist of good practice promotes meaningful development for volunteers, a news report on outcomes from The Cultural Commission. Samantha Clark reflects on residencies in the Swiss Alps and at Wysing Arts. A review of contemporary artists using pinhole […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2005 September

As well as this year’s rigorous paper publishing schedule alongside a-n Magazine (see a-n news for upcoming guest editors and themes) we’re pushing ahead on new strategies for web-specific material and interactive content. This month sees publication on of […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Guest editors appointed

Our 25-year publishing schedule continues with guest editors appointed for the forthcoming months. In October Deborah Smith is guest editor for the third in the a-n Collections series with a newly commissioned set of writing “embedded within sites of specifity” […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Castlefield Gallery partnership

We welcome Castlefield Gallery as a new partner in development of a-n’s Jobs and Opportunities – updated weekly online. The focus will be to research those opportunities that are essentially artist-led. Drawing on its extensive network of peers and seeking […]

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Resource Archive News archive

North Essentials updated

We have commissioned artist Adam Walker, from the normalife collective, to update North Essentials, a-n’s contacts guide on for artists and arts professionals working in the North East of England. Contact him on 0191 241 8000 or email [email protected] […]

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Resource Archive News archive

NAN impact study

London-based artist and researcher Jane Watt has been appointed to undertake a review of the NAN initiative to date that will make an important contribution to the development of this programme that was launched in March 2003. She brings to […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Subscriber events

As part of our 25-year celebrations we’re holding networking events around the country for a-n subscribers, in conjunction with galleries and artist-led spaces in each region. Following the success of recent such events in Suffolk and Cardiff forthcoming dates for […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Artists’ rates of pay

a-n’s research in 2004 defined a good practice framework on fees and payments to artists, that is supported by Arts Council England. The following annual and day rates are suggested from 1 September 2006. Experience level Annual £ excluding overheads […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Castlefield Gallery partnership

We welcome Castlefield Gallery as a new partner in development of a-n’s Jobs and Opportunities – updated weekly online. The focus will be to research those opportunities that are essentially artist-led. Drawing on its extensive network of peers and seeking […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Research model

The success of the Future forecast research-based publication series has generated many favourable comments (including Manick Govinda’s epithet of “provocative”), and has been the catalyst for a new publications series due to start in June 2006. a-n Research papers will […]

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The common, Greenham
Resource Archive Feature

Close proximity: Introduction

Jonathan Swain introduces a new series of articles resulting from Close proximity, a two-day NAN event that took place at New Greenham Arts in Berkshire, 21-22 May 2005.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Established breaks

I used to subscribe regularly to a-n many years ago and have just renewed my subscription online. In searching the site I have not been able to find anything collated (enlighten me please if I’m wrong!) specific for the more […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Rossini’s point

Find it hard to believe that you gave so much page space to Artist’s story: Hewitt/Jordan/Beech et al (a-n Magazine July issue). Using tired, third-hand cliché-strewn conceptual art speak from yesteryear – just what do they think they are on […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Culture Commission

Leigh French, co-editor of Variant, reports on the context and outcomes of The Cultural Commission. “Everything can be measured, and what can be measured can be managed.” McKinseys consultants “The very act of observing alters the reality being observed.” Heisenberg […]

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Resource Archive News archive

International news

The rapid ongoing abrogation of boundaries and fusions in art, technology and society are the focal point for the 2005 Ars Electronica Festival. Held in Linz, Austria, 1-6 September, it comprises a fascinating mixture of events, conferences, symposia, exhibitions and […]

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Resource Archive News archive


Thunder, a sound installation by Hannah Rickards commissioned by Media Art Bath, is presented at the city’s Central United Reformed Church until 11 September. Comprising a synthesised thunderclap produced by an eight-piece orchestra, the musical score by David Murphy is […]

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Studio in Cove Park
Resource Archive News archive

Crafts residency awarded

Lucian Taylor is Cove Park’s 2005 crafts resident until 30 September. Funded by the Scottish Arts Council, this three-month residency supports a leading maker, applied artist or designer by providing time to concentrate on new projects and development of their […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Essential volunteering

A letter in the July issue of a-n Magazine talked of there being a “fine line between voluntary work and blatant exploitation”. There are an increasing number of volunteer placements and internships on offer nowadays. One recently-listed volunteer offer stated […]

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