Glass prize
The Bombay Sapphire Foundation has recently called for entries to the 2003 £20,000 prize for glass design. The prize is open to designers, architects and artists who work with glass or use it as a key design medium, based on […]
The Bombay Sapphire Foundation has recently called for entries to the 2003 £20,000 prize for glass design. The prize is open to designers, architects and artists who work with glass or use it as a key design medium, based on […]
Devolution in the UK has hit this year’s Venice Biennale, with England, Scotland and Wales each having an independent presence there. This year, the British Pavilion will be showing the work of Chris Ofili; Scotland will be represented by Jim […]
Arts Depot, the new visual and performing arts centre in London’s North Finchley is on course to open in May 2004. In the run-up, photographer Thomas Claxton was commissioned to document work in progress on creating the venue that will […]
Last year artist Idit Nathan completed an eight-month residency at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. She spent her time in the department of medicine for the elderly, gathering material for an exhibition by talking to the patients and attending daily group sessions. […]
Based in Newcastle upon Tyne, Helix Arts agency aims to bring artists working in all disciplines into direct contact with people, primarily those who have had little experience of or contact with the arts. Projects have taken place in a […]
D-cap (demystifying contemporary arts practice) is a pilot project, organised by East Street Arts in Leeds, aims to create a greater understanding of contemporary artists and their work through audience development, training and mentoring. Last year six artists were selected […]
Last year Simon Keenleyside, a Royal College of Art graduate, won the first BOC Emerging Artist Award. Organised by the agency Art for Offices, the award is worth a total of £20,000 and will be offered annually to a UK-based […]
Janet Summerton reviews some recent research about the environment for artists and points to the need for more ‘hard facts’ and less rhetoric in today’s labour market.
Sarah Bodman explores a selection of recent limited edition works that show a fluid crossover between artists’ books and multiples.
In 2001 Zarina Bhimji wrote in [a-n] MAGAZINE about preparing to make her first film. Out of Blue, created for and premiered at Documenta 11, is currently being shown at Tate Britain. Here, Manick Govinda describes how a series of timely awards gave Bhimji the freedom to develop new work.
Recent developments at the APT studios and gallery at Creekside in Deptford are establishing it as one of the most exciting artists’ workspaces in London. And artist-run Temple Arts Group in Bethnal Green is establishing links between the London art community and residents in the East End.
Artist-run Temple Arts Group (TAG) is based in Bethnal Green, east London. The six members James Dean, Samantha Denny, Helena Koumbouzis, Rebecca Odgers, Kate Williams and myself are all practising artists from a variety of disciplines including sculpture, […]
Aikaterini Gegisian examines the art scene of south east Europe.
New York is arguably the world’s art capital. In a special four-page focus Jessica Crombie looks into internships and Karen Guthrie investigates activity beyond the commercial gallery scene.
Down town Regardless of your artistic persuasion the New York art scene is probably the most seductive in the world, with the possibility of wealth and influence promised by the American art dream. As someone whose artistic and curatorial interests […]
As a new exhibition reveals, a box is so much more than six bits of wood. ‘Celebrating boxes’ is an artist-led project the brainchild of boxmakers Peter Lloyd and Andrew Crawford that launches at the Harley Gallery Worksop […]
A UK network of organisations that help arts and crafts practitioners with their professional development, Creative People is due to complete its pilot period in June. An initiative of the Arts Council of England, the establishment of Creative People in […]
German-born Gereon Krebber has won the £25,000 Jerwood Sculpture Prize for his proposal to create a one and a half metre tin can with an intriguingly slightly-open lid at the Jerwood Sculpture Park at Whitley Court in Worcestershire. He beat […]
February saw Glasgow’s Arches transformed as it hosted the annual National Review of Live Art. The longest running event of its kind in Europe, it presents the work of emerging artists alongside that of established practitioners. Over a five-day period, […]
A partnership between Staffordshire County Council Arts Service and the Library Service resulted in the launch in February of a new state of the art mobile library with artist-designed exteriors. As a result of an open submission from West Midlands […]
The shortlist for the AIB Prize, an annual award for ‘artists of promise’ in Ireland, was announced in February. The aim of the award is to identify Irish visual artists of outstanding promise and to assist them in launching their […]
ART SHEFFIELD 03 is the first citywide contemporary art event of its scale to take place in Sheffield. Running 29 March 19 April, it will comprise a dazzling array of contemporary art events at the city’s major galleries and […]
Arts Council England (spot the subtle difference in the title) has recently launched its new unified grants scheme for England. This offers support for individuals, arts organisations, national touring and other people who use the arts in their work for […]
Simon Webb talks to artists from across the UK about drawing and its place within their practice
Lars Bang Larsen’s discussion of visual art extends beyond new sites and contexts to ask questions of how art meets the idealogical spaces of politics and mass media – and how behaviour has become aesthetic.