Making art work
Heather Rigg reports on a professional development scheme in Suffolk that provides a package of support for artists in that region.
Heather Rigg reports on a professional development scheme in Suffolk that provides a package of support for artists in that region.
Last September a diverse group of artists from Germany, Austria, Russia, Scandinavia, the US and UK assembled in the studios of the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne for a frenzied weekend of live performance. Rob Flint was one of the participants.
New Delhi isn’t an obvious destination for visual arts practitioners. However, as Judith Staines discovered, scratch the surface and a more interesting picture starts to emerge.
Rebecca Skeels recently completed an MA in Design by Project at Central Saint Martin’s, in London. She is now is now working full-time on a silversmithing residency at South Hill Park arts centre that was advertised in [a-n] MAGAZINE. The […]
After completing a degree in graphic design Jimmy Turrell broadened his artistic vision gaining experience in as many areas of arts practice as possible. As artist-in-residence at The Crucible Theatre he worked with a group of young people, creating an […]
The first New Work Scotland Programme (NWSP) was launched by Collective Gallery in 2000. It aims to support the careers of emerging artists in Scotland, allowing them to create new work and bring it to the attention of a wider […]
The annual encore 10×10 awards of up to £10,000 are offered to ten artists working in the northern region of England. The scheme aims to allow practitioners the freedom to reflect on and develop their work and applications are restricted […]
Hundreds of artists, ranging from students to newcomers and well-established practitioners, are expected to compete for this year’s £10,000 PizzaExpress Prospects contemporary drawing prize. Established four years ago, the prize aims to promote the widest definition of drawing. Submissions can […]
From 1 April, there will be two new funding programmes for England, to be run from the regional offices: Grants to organisations: investment for organisations including arts projects, capital, organisational development and research and development. Grants to individuals: investment for […]
Artist Kelly Atkins, of carpet recycling company Carpet Burns, has been awarded the Sherrards Excellence in Arts Award. Sponsored by Barclays Bank, these £250 cash awards now in their third year are aimed at small businesses. Currently artist-in-residence at University […]
The UK’s newest centre for film, art and creative technology, opens on 22 February. The £10m FACT centre will offer a vibrant focal point in the £110m redevelopment of Liverpool’s Ropewalks district and is a flagship project in the city’s […]
Claudia Zeiske brings to our attention a new artist-in-residence programme in north east Scotland, supported by the Glenfiddich Distillery.
Bruce Haines describes the organisational processes involved in his role as one of the curators and organisers of an international exhibition.
London’s east end has attracted a large number of commercial galleries in recent years, following a burgeoning of artist-led activity in the area. With a high concentration of art spaces, it’s surprising that it has taken so long for a […]
Chisenhale in London is opening its doors to the public 11-13 October, providing an opportunity to meet with artists and performers, take part in workshops, see the gallery exhibition and get an insight into how an established arts studio group […]
Inspired by le Mois de la Photo held in Paris annually, Photomonth is happening in venues across east London running into November. The event, which aims to focus on photography as an important art form and powerful tool for contemporary […]
An impressive band of forty artists and makers will be presenting their wares to the arts community and general public over the 23 and 24 November, in the annual Lime Street Studio Open. This, the largest and longest-standing studio group […]
Stephanie Delcroix delves into the future with Don Foresta and finds a ‘utopia for lazy multimedia artists’ in the Marcel network.
‘Dialog 2’, on show at Edinburgh College of Art until 8 September, is the result of a long-standing exchange between Poland and Scotland. In the autumn of 2000, the BWA Awangarda Gallery, Wroclaw welcomed seven Scottish artists. ‘Dialog 2’ provides […]
For the first time in Canterbury Cathedral’s 1400 year history, a digital art installation will be exhibited there when James Cattell presents 18:1-7: The crypt 7-13 September. Through the simplicity of essential human form, sound and space, the work contemplates […]
During the third year of my degree in Fine Art Tapestry at Edinburgh College of Art, my year group of twenty decided to put on our first collective exhibition. We utilised a redundant shop building in the city and staged […]
A gallery run by children is amongst recent recipients of a Scottish Arts Council lottery grant. Room 13, a group of primary school children who run an art studio and gallery at Caol Primary School near Fort William, was awarded […]
A two-year residency in Swindon by Simon Grennan and Christopher Sperandio launched last November recently presented the outcome of its first phase. Commissioned by the Asda Wal-Mart supermarket and managed by public art agency Artpoint, the residency aims to celebrate […]
The recent refurbishment of a mid-Wales gallery has resulted in a change of name and programme. As a result Oriel 31 reopens after the first development phase in December as Oriel Davies, renamed in memory of art patrons and collectors […]
The six UK cities that will battle it out to win European Capital of Culture 2008 were named in October as Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool, Newcastle/Gateshead and Oxford. The six were whittled down from an original list of a dozen […]