South West England

Green plastic bags pulled through the leg holes of white pants effect and denote a sector where curiosity and familiarity intercede. A zone in which we perceive human shoulders and a neck: bones and skin organized into a discernible structure. Yet, the head is a mass of materials – of flesh, skin, plastic and cotton – its features bug-like. It is the mouth, a cut, a slight pink opening and vibrating slivers of lips that ooze thick and gloopy honey that reminds us of the bee.

Suffocating honey kisses, dripping off the lower jaw. Sickly sweet buzzing that rises, falls and hums. A congealing and smothering of excessive pleasures that generate nausea while escaping quantification. The pornographic imagination is disturbed; the globs are seminal, running down the chin and smeared over the lips, post coitus and purring in jouissance. A looped apparition generates repetitions of beesous infinite.

Society’s revulsion against any behavior as animal-like can hardly be overstressed. Most demons are represented in sculpture, dance, ritual, and myth in some real or fantastic animal form. The main puberty rite in some cultures consists in filing the child’s teeth so they will not look like animal fangs: human efforts to discourage chimerical mutation.

In a world of ‘becomings’ our engagement in a de-stratification from stable forms of organizing things and non-things is integral. The rupturing of these patterns of organization, organically and linguistically are destabilizing when experienced. Their articulation, mediation and re-mediation demonstrate an obsession with non-human processes and new possibilities of self transformation. Discovering and confronting our animal otherness through the process of ‘becoming’ produces an uncanny recognition that can neither be suffered or celebrated. Beesous are beautiful. Beesous must be beautiful.

The bees are within us. Are we all Beesous?