Reviews - Page 12 of 98 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Amelia Crouch

an exhibition of screenprints, digital films, and wall-based text works by artist Amelia Crouch.

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Beyond Seven Mountains

Perpetuating Myths Once upon a time, beyond seven mountains, beyond seven forests, a black swan came to the town of Corby. The swan was nearly four metres high and looked out on to the boating lake in Thoroughsale Wood. The […]

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The Human Condition

A group of artists respond to the theme ‘The Human Condition’. Garry Barker, Leeds College of Art and Design, writes a review.

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It Fell From Earth

When Alexandra Darbyshire first came to the UK from Canada four years ago she was making paintings that, whilst tending towards abstraction, never quite transcended their starting points in photographic images, sometimes of underwater scenes and, most strikingly, of military […]

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Bill Viola

Bill Viola has a reputation as one of the pioneers of video art. Not only has he been making work since the 1970s, but he is one of the few who have managed to cross over into the mainstream imaginary, […]

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The Brixton Exchange 2

A one-day event led by artists group Anchor & Magnet using creative workshops to discuss and debate heritage, regeneration and loss in the city, that took place on 23rd April 2016. Review written by Oliver Carter. Photographs by Katarzyna Perlak.

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Review of Droppers, Andy Webster & Darren Ray’s exhibition at OSR Project Space in West Coker, Somerset. Written by Maddy Hearn as recipient of an OSR Projects Writing Bursary for creative practitioners.

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Review of Holy Chic

Site specific installation by UK-based WESSIELING set in an impressive Grade II listed Dominican Priory church, in Newcastle upon Tyne.

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Anna Noel – The Language of Clay: Telling Tales

Anna Noël’s voice is filling the room. A film of her being interviewed by the curator, Ceri Jones, plays on a loop from a small, wall-hung monitor in the corner of Ruthin Craft Centre’s (RCC) Gallery Two. Sharpening the sound, […]

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Doug Fishbone’s Leisure Land

As an artist and parent, I spend a lot of time thinking about how art can function to both engage both myself, as a 50’s something artist and my 7 year old daughter. As a show Doug Fishbone’s ‘Leisure land […]

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Ben Rivers – The Two Eyes Are Not Brothers

To enter the space inhabited by Ben Rivers’ The Two Eyes Are Not Brothers – a joint commission by Artangel and The Whitworth – is to walk into a set of a set. The exhibition toys with ideas of narrative, […]

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Installation by Jenny Hall
Photo by Keith Morris

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