Reviews - Page 7 of 98 - a-n The Artists Information Company


Patrick Heron

The first major show of Patrick Heron’s work for 20 years has toured from Tate St Ives to Turner Contemporary, where it’s joined by previously unseen work

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Threads Salon, Turner Contemporary, April 2018

“Salons of the same quality as we witnessed on 20th April 2018 in Margate are the reason why these gatherings of restless creative minds generate so much energy and collective knowledge.”

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Weeds in the Cracks

Weeds in the cracks Manifesta12, Palermo, 2018 The planetary Garden is a concept planted in the world by the French philosopher and gardener Gilles Clement. It is this idea that took root with me during my visit to Maifesta12 in […]

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Re-imagine the City

A review of Re-Imagine the City, a residency exhibition at Artcore, Derby. On display until 19th August 2018. Words by Lydia Grey, Images by Artcore.

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Why I’m glad I found my way Home….

In 2016 I attended a creative clinic led by curator and collaborator Annette Moloney. Within 10 minutes, Moloney was quoting Radiohead, and with good humour:   You do it to yourself, you do… And that’s why it really hurts.   […]

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Berlin Biennale X

The tenth Berlin Biennale, titled ‘We Don’t Need Another Hero’, “…proposes a plan on how to face a collective madness; it offers a platform for collective dreaming and for action.”[i] In place of a direct curatorial theme or framework, curator […]

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Manifesta 12: Chercher La Femme, Chercher Le Queer

I applied to for a bursary to visit Manifesta 12 partly out of interests for its core themes of migration, and space/place as politically charged, especially as sites of repression, which I explored in my own work (Ghost House, Disciplinary […]

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Sitting on a Man’s Head: Review

An account of ‘Sitting on a Man’s Head’ (2018), a collaboration between Okwui Okpokwasili, Peter Born and a number of Berlin-based artists at the 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2018

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Education and learning at Manifesta 12

During my visit to Manifesta preview I concentrated on looking into the work undertaken by the Manifesta education department. I often work on participatory projects with outreach, learning and education departments of museums, art organisations and galleries in the UK […]

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Perspective is Everything

M2AIR host four children’s art residencies as part of #MadeInFoxhill, a community arts programme attached to regeneration of the Foxhill area of Bath.
June and July 2018
Final Group Show July 13th – 14th

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We Don’t Need Another Hero

An experience of ‘We Don’t Need Another Hero’, 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. Rossanne Pellegrino was one of 10 a-n Artist members who attended the Berlin Biennale preview.

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power, suits and interventions

The current, high-profile, sexual predator cases are incidental to Sally Barker’s work but the resonances ring clear. Deliberately provocative and inevitable disquieting, Barker’s work challenges the viewer to consider the role assumed by some powerful men in a patriarchal society.  […]

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