On the cover – 2006 September
Kate Potter, Portrait, photograph, 2006
Kate Potter, Portrait, photograph, 2006
Contents include: Pamela Wells makes case for higher day rates for artists and Binita Walia challenges low commission fees. Bianca Winter loses herself in the meticulous detail of work by Danica Maier and Jane Thurley. Landscape and the environment feature […]
This months a-n Collections: Artists profiles presents Edith Marie Pasquiers selection from over 150 profiles on www.a-n.co.uk.
The 2006 deciBel Award recipients are: Bernd Behr, Rosalind Nashashibi, Harold Offeh, The Otolith Group, Hiraki Sawa and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye.
Since advertising in February a-n Magazine, Phoenix Arts, Leicester has commissioned three new pieces of work that enable the audience to interact on and offline around the city.
The second edition of the Gstaad international short film festival for artists films took place from 25-27 August.
The Nunnery, Bow Arts Trust, London
24 June 22 July
Dick Institute, Kilmarnock
1 July 12 August
This is a response to John Boshoffs letter in August.
Every professional looks to develop their skills throughout their caree;, the same is true for the creative sector.
Artists comment on the Arts Council’s Turning Point Strategy.
Arts Council England has come under heavy fire recently, as debates have raged about how usefully it serves the artistic community and the public.
I completely understand the concerns in this [August] Comment.
In order to ensure their fees keep track with their level of experience and the general rate of increases in costs of living and overheads, Septembers a good time for artists to review their approaches to budgeting and charging.
Plagues of lice, locusts, frogs and flies, a twenty-fivemetre high sacrificial sculpture and a cast of thousands will on 30 September dramatically transform the south coast town of Margate into a colourful and contemporary setting for an epic film inspired by the Old Testament Book of Exodus, in which the towns residents will play all of the parts.
Martin Prothero, whose approach to his practice was featured in a-ns Artists stories in 2003, was one of eight artists commissioned to carry out research projects for RANE (Research in Art Nature & Environment).
September launches the exhibition for the 2006 Nam June Paik award Internationaler Medienkunstpreis der Kunststiftung NRW (International Media Arts Award of the NRW Arts Foundation).
Four Scotland-based artists were awarded £5,000 each after being short-listed for the 2006 Aspect Prize.
Six innovative new commissions by animate! tv will receive a terrestrial TV premiere on Channel 4 in November.
The second Body Navigation international festival of contemporary arts ran 6-9 July 2006 across varied sites, spanning the park on Elagin Island and the urban sprawl of St Petersburg.
A major new initiative designed to strengthen cultural links between the UK and China was launched in July in London.
Northern Print Studio will move to new premises in October.
In September, the A Foundation launches Greenland Street, a major new contemporary art centre in Liverpool.
Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton
7 July 27 August
Surface Gallery, Nottingham
20 June 22 July