The Marcel network
Stephanie Delcroix delves into the future with Don Foresta and finds a ‘utopia for lazy multimedia artists’ in the Marcel network.
Stephanie Delcroix delves into the future with Don Foresta and finds a ‘utopia for lazy multimedia artists’ in the Marcel network.
I studied at London College of Printing and spent the subsequent decade attempting to master print as a medium.
A gallery run by children is amongst recent recipients of a Scottish Arts Council lottery grant. Room 13, a group of primary school children who run an art studio and gallery at Caol Primary School near Fort William, was awarded […]
During the third year of my degree in Fine Art Tapestry at Edinburgh College of Art, my year group of twenty decided to put on our first collective exhibition. We utilised a redundant shop building in the city and staged […]
A two-year residency in Swindon by Simon Grennan and Christopher Sperandio launched last November recently presented the outcome of its first phase. Commissioned by the Asda Wal-Mart supermarket and managed by public art agency Artpoint, the residency aims to celebrate […]
The recent refurbishment of a mid-Wales gallery has resulted in a change of name and programme. As a result Oriel 31 reopens after the first development phase in December as Oriel Davies, renamed in memory of art patrons and collectors […]
The six UK cities that will battle it out to win European Capital of Culture 2008 were named in October as Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool, Newcastle/Gateshead and Oxford. The six were whittled down from an original list of a dozen […]
Frieze Magazine recently announced plans to establish a new international arts fair for London. Due to be held in October 2003, the Frieze Art Fair will focus on “the most dynamic generation of galleries working today”. Featured will be a […]
Falmouth-based ceramic artist Jessie Higginson has won a £9,000 Queen Elizabeth Scholarship to enable her to study on the two year Royal College of Art Ceramics and Glass Masters course. A graduate from Brighton University’s course in wood, metal, plastics […]
Between October and December last year, Shape ran a unique training programme for eight disabled artists entitled In the Picture. The course aimed to raise awareness about professional development, enabling artists to learn practical skills, develop opportunities to sell and […]
Artists in Herefordshire are set to benefit from a major new visual arts event starting this September. Branded h.Art, Herefordshire Art Week will be an annual showcase aimed at promoting the quality and diversity of the county’s artists to local […]
April saw the launch of Scotland’s first purpose-built artists’ studios complex in Glasgow, enabled through an initiative from WASPS. The building at 77 Hanson Street is capable of housing 200 artists and makers, alongside residential accommodation for visiting international artists […]
February saw the announcement that the Artists Association of Ireland was battling with a grave financial situation. After legal advice, the Board moved to restore financial stability by making three staff redundancies. This has included Stella Coffey its long-standing Chief […]
Resource, the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries has produced a detailed plan for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport showing how England’s regional museums can be revitalised over the next five years. Proposals were requested following the publication […]
From some 2,000 entries from artists across the UK, ninety-two works were picked for the Hunting Group Art Prizes 2002 exhibition. On the shortlist for the £12,000 first prize and £5,000 young artist prize are Nicholas Archer, Peter Freeth, Tomoya […]
Continuing our series of articles focusing on the career development of well-established artists, painter Geraint Evans talks to Sally Shaw about his success.
Artists Yusupha Jawara and Sabera Bham met through a project called artxchange, which brought artists over from the UK to share skills with Gambian artists. Eddie Chambers tells how this first meeting, and the realisation that both had similar concerns in their work, led to collaboration.
Networked Bodies is an ongoing research and development project for New Work Network. Through examination of alternative models of funding and commissioning, the aim is to establish a radical new model for commissioning live work. It is envisaged that this […]
Since 1993 the Arts Foundation has given over £500,000 to individual artists through its fellowships programme. This provides unrestricted support for talented, emerging artists at a time in their careers when they need help the most after commitment but […]
In 2001 Lorna Green took part in projects in Austria and Korea that had been organised by the Artists in Nature International Network (AiNIN), a web-based organisation for artists, musicians and writers who work site-specifically with and in nature.
Simon Collison made his first visit to Iceland in summer 1998 as a guest artist at Straumur Art Commune. He had read about Straumur, some five miles from Reykjavik, in the catalogue for ‘New Territories’, a touring exhibition born out of an exchange programme, instigated by Stamford Arts Centre and featured in [a-n] MAGAZINE in 1997.
Initiated by London-based Live Art Development Agency, Focus Live Art was an unprecedented set of meetings across England that brought together artists, promoters and funders to consolidate the strengths and achievements of the live art sector, to address issues of […]
Benedict Carpenter has won this year’s Jerwood Sculpture Prize, worth £20,000. The prize takes the form of a commission for the Jerwood Sculpture Park. Open to sculptors under 35 or within ten years of graduation from art school, the artist […]
Susan MacWilliam reports on her residency at Caribbean Contemporary Arts (CCA), Trinidad.
Glasgow-based artists Ben Woodeson and John Beagles give accounts of two very different recent events in Berlin: the artist-run BBQ Project and Art Forum Berlin, the city’s annual art fair.