Louder Than Bombs
Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston upon Thames
9 February
Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston upon Thames
9 February
Limbo and various locations, Margate
13 February – 28 March
Crate, Margate
14-21 February
Chapter, Cardiff
5 February – 14 March
Sarah Harvey, Promise.
Exploring new initiatives within galleries, education and commissioning.
Artist Kirsten Lavers and Andy O’Hanlon (Arts Development Officer for South Cambridgeshire District Council) talk about Kirsten’s appointment as community artist for Orchard Park, which led to the ambitious multi-layered collaborative project, Crop Marks.
Alinah Azadeh and Rosa Nguyen are the latest artists to exhibit new work as part of The shape of things initiative, which has awarded bursaries to nine artists to create new work for display at public museums and galleries.
Over recent years the discussion around the current state of art teaching, and that of art education, has come to the fore.
Twenty four-year old London photographer Laura Pannack has scooped top prize in the portrait singles category at this year’s World Press Photo contest for her work Graham.
Cultural Leadership Programme’s Meeting the Challenge initiative, set up to support and nurture current and future leaders, offered an open submission inviting organisations to apply.
Seven young people aged between sixteen and twenty-four started Suffolk’s first ever Creative Apprenticeships back in January.
Contents include: Widening participation and How to improve your chances of getting work features; artist Jonathan Baxter reports on Hans Abbing’s talk Why are Artists Poor? in Debate; Big Picture is Promise by Sarah Harvey; Kirsten Lavers and Andy O’Hanlon […]
A one-day symposium in April developed by In Certain Places is aimed at urban planners, artists, public art commissioners, architects, urban designers and people with an interest in the future of cities.
This month’s blog selection.
In March The National Campaign for the Arts staged the ‘This country can no longer afford to subsidise the arts’ debate.
Work from ‘Locws Schools’, an exhibition by pupils from five Swansea schools who responded to the 2009 Art Across The City programme by Locws International.
The Crafts Council celebrated the 6,000 people who’ve so far signed up to the Craft Matters initiative with March’s event at the House of Lords that also launched www.craftmatters.org.uk.
Nick Fox, Dreamcatcher (chrysanthemum flower), cut out acrylic paint pressed between glass, 23x17cm, 2008.
Being a first time buyer of your magazine I read your letters page with amazement. Is this really the first time that issues about the pretentiousness of the art world have been raised in such depth?
Antony Gormley’s One and Other commission for the Fourth Plinth last year, and more recently Michael Landy’s Art Bin project at South London Gallery both suggest the emergence of a new form of artwork that has the capacity to engage mass audiences directly.
On 3 December 2009 I attended an Arts Breakfast at Deveron Arts, Huntly. Arts Breakfasts form a staple diet within the Deveron Arts programme.
Having just read the article about Weakening the Foundations in art and design I am not sure just what is Chris Milton’s gripe.
A topical round-up of projects that focus on development of artists’ practice and their engagement with people.
Introducing our student online subscription offer, how to use Degrees unedited and signposting excellent ways to promote final-year shows.
In January the quantitative findings of a longitudinal study Creative Graduates Creative Futures were published.