Recycling focus
Housed in a refurbished art deco cinema in Penarths centre, Washington Gallery has become a focal point in this Victorian coastal town.
Housed in a refurbished art deco cinema in Penarths centre, Washington Gallery has become a focal point in this Victorian coastal town.
In this the second feature exploring strategies and approaches to commissioning art in the public realm, the focus is on regeneration and renewal and the role of agencies and consultancies.
News of the Creative Space Agency’s initiative to link owners of vacant property in London with creative individuals.
The concept of Territories is the theme for the 6th International Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts, Liège, running 16 February30 March.
Miami, USA
6-9 December
Further to a letter published in error in the December issue of a-n Magazine and our apology to Creative Foundation in the January issue, here Creative Foundation exercises its Right to Reply:
This month’s news of art moves.
Report from the first day of Engages November conference When Art and Context Leads to Meaning International Artists Practice, Education and Interpretation.
News of gallery developments, expansions and relocations.
Providing inter-art social occasions, Rational Rec is now chalking up a third season of regular convivial offerings.
Bristol-based artist-led commissioning and curating body Plan 9 are moving to a new home the Old Bridewell Police Station in the city centre.
A response to the discussion event Does Autonomy Matter?
Gasworks, London
5 December
Leeds Art Gallery
22 November 10 February
Contents include: Can artists engage in collaboration without slipping into a parasitic relationship? Helen Knowles on her experiences. Reviews includes group show at Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, Fiona Curran at Mac, Birmingham and Neil Webb at Bloc, Sheffield. Susan Jones explores […]
As we welcome in 2008, we looked back into the a-n archive of editorials to explore contexts preceding and also asked some artists for their new years resolutions for the arts.
Fiona Curran, Some Kinds of Weather Create Situations, acrylic on linen, 2007. Photo: Peter Hope
Exploring the roles and reasons of selected organisations dedicated to widening access to the visual arts through commissioning temporary and permanent interventions in non-gallery spaces in the first of a two-part feature.
I think that a-n has been extremely unfair in the matter of Andrew Bryant. First you print his unbearably smug blog, allowing us to marvel at his crass and derivative musings. Then, of all the letters of protest you must […]
Is it possible for artists to truly engage in collaborative work with other practitioners of different disciplines without them slipping into a parasitic relationship?
Id like to be able to say that I disagree with Andrew Bryants arguments but would fight to the death for his right to express them. The unfortunate fact is that I agree with many of his points, but feel […]
The problems of recent months at Northern Rock bank has raised concerns about the future stability of Northern Rock Foundation, supported through an annual donation of 5% of Northern Rock plcs pre-tax profits.
Liverpool Biennial was recognised with an award for Putting the North West on the Map at the regions Art 07 awards in October. The award acknowledges its success in commissioning international artists to make challenging work in Liverpool.
Changes announced in November to the draft bill to establish Creative Scotland means that like its predecessors Scottish Arts Council and Scottish Screen, it will enjoy complete autonomy when providing financial and other support to those working in the creative […]
Ana Laura Lopez de la Torre has succeeded Isa Suarez as Southwarks artist in residence. The successful recipient of the Acmes second studio residency in Southwark, she is based at Galleria Studios, Peckham. Ana Laura, who talked about her practice […]
After a successful three years in Londons East End, C4RD (Centre for Recent Drawing) is moving to larger premises in Highbury, Islington, and a more accessible location. As a non-profit organisation and museum space, the whole space is dedicated to […]