On the cover – 2007 July
Jessica Preston, Circles & Cones, 3D textiles, cotton, 2007.
Jessica Preston, Circles & Cones, 3D textiles, cotton, 2007.
Published this month is the fourth in the a-n Research paper series presenting and distributing across our wide constituency Sonya Dyers Boxed in: how cultural diversity policies constrict black artists1
I doubt if this letter will get to you, but I hope it does and that you have a chance to read it and seriously consider what I have to say.
Last year I responded to an offer of funding by the Juliet Gomperts Trust (JGT) which was advertised in a-n Magazine.
The arts community were shocked and dismayed by the surprise announcement of a huge 35 per cent cut in the Arts Council England (ACE) Grants for the Arts (GFA) scheme announced on 1 April.
Public art is the opportunity for an artist to affect a locality, and to engage and challenge its community.
As part of London Sustainability Weeks 2007, AIR member Ana Antonio Gill has created a life-size polar bear made entirely from recycled materials for the Love London Recycled Sculpture Show, Sun and Doves pub, Camberwell, London.
Produced as part of Gavin Wades ongoing project Strategic Questions, this time working with artist Alec Finlay, 100 Verses for the 3 Estates resulted from a collaboration with residents of three housing estates in Kings Norton, Birmingham.
Niki Russell reports from The Showroom 4th Annual Conference, 26 May 2007
Melanie Stidolph reports from the recent professional development session.
Rockwell, London
13 April 10 June
Commissioned through the Creative Lewisham Agency for University Hospital Lewisham, London, Chris Marshalls recently installed Blue Well aims to evoke tranquillity, calm and meditation within the context of a sensitive and critical environment.
From discarded household detritus and prosthetic limbs to the exploration of themes of religious intolerance and myths of urban history, Norwich is the location this summer for Contemporary Art Norwich 2007, a multi-venue biennial that celebrates the depth and breadth of Norwichs expanding cultural scene.
Fifteen + One celebrates the work of Axis design practice and its creative collaborations with artists. It profiles sixteen very different publications of artists work, ranging from exhibition catalogues to artists books, and includes a broad range of styles and design approaches.
The contemporary visual arts organisation ProjectBase has been established to commission internationally established artists to work with local communities to present exciting and innovative projects.
Radical changes in funding arrangements are due at the Scottish Arts Council (SAC) following last year’s strategic review.
11 Wolstenholme Square, Liverpool
25 May – 8 June
One One One, London
24 May – 9 June
Contents include: European collaboration and cultural diversity: in news a conference in Estonia, commissions for Subdoh Gupta, Rashid Rana, and comment on the 8th Sharjah Biennial. Simon Zimmerman asks if you can afford not to visit a new website on pensions for artists. PDF version [size 7.5MB]. Requires pdf reader.
Pennwood House, Cassington, Oxford
21 April 2 June
Gloucester Cathedral
2-28 May
Various venues, Leeds
14-27 May
Rick Schofield, photograph from the Peer series, 2007.
Since November 2006, Arts Council England has been asking all across the land to add their views on the public value of the arts.
The 52nd Venice Bienniale that launches in June combines exhibitions of significant visual art from international artists with passeggiata and associated networking opportunities on the grandest scale for the throng of curators and artists who will assemble there. The main […]