Croatian exchange
Heroes in Transition at Nottinghams Angel Row Gallery brings some of Croatias best new artists to the UK for the first time.
Heroes in Transition at Nottinghams Angel Row Gallery brings some of Croatias best new artists to the UK for the first time.
Charlotte Frost discusse the Media Mates scheme.
Shisha will present new site-specific events for Manchester International Festivals Manchester Firsts, through commissions for international artists Subodh Gupta and Rashid Rana.
Collaboration across the European education institutes was the theme at a recent conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
As I was chaperoned around the 8th Sharjah Biennial: Art, Ecology and the Politics of Change, the Emirate reminded me of Phoenix Arizona, but instead of US patriotism pervading, Islam sits relaxingly alongside the logos of KFC, Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, Pizza Hut, shopping malls and building construction.
Formed in 1913, the London Group developed as an alternative to the conservatism of the New English Art Club (NEAC) and Royal Academy (RA), institutions which at that time gave (some) artists an opportunity to show their work through open submission.
Since graduating in 1993 I have made outdoor sculpture in my studio located on a farm in Kent.
News on Airspace Gallery, Midlands Textile Forum and Exeter Studio Project.
Adam Reynolds was a remarkable and inspiring individual. Soon after birth he was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy leaving him with a physical disability.
Film London and BBC Radio 4 are collaborating on The City Speaks, a project bringing together twelve of the capitals artist film-makers and writers to create a series of films for radio.
This toolkit takes artists step-by-step through a process to calculate an individual daily rate and prepare quotes for freelance work.
Artists Insights Coordinator Simon Zimmerman reports on a new development.
Worcester City Museum and Art Gallery, Worcester
24 March 5 May
Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh
21 April 2 June
Various locations, Swansea
14 April 13 May
Various locations, Birmingham
31 March 15 April
Bearspace, London
13 March 5 May
Tullie House, Carlisle
26-29 April
Letters in response to the recent a-n Review of Normal Flora.
Thanks to a subscriber’s suggestion we have tightened our password security.
This online self-completing toolkit is designed to enable visual and applied artists to develop themselves and their practice accordingly to their own interests and circumstances.
Four South East England artists won awards in March, to enable them to undertake new public art projects.
Contents include: Istanbul and Bucharest Biennials. Call for re-appraisal of proposed Culture (Scotland) Bill, the cultural diversity debate revitalised by Richard Hylton’s new book and family values re-framed in the ‘Mum and Dad Show’ – but what connects TV’s ‘Family […]
Internationally-renowned artist Keiko Mukaide will create The Memory of Place Fire, an installation in water, glass, stone and light on show at York St Marys Church 4 May 28 October. Transforming the historic churchs interior, her intention is to […]
Art should be recognised as a staple part of our everyday lives like bread, and in that respect it should be ordinary, albeit an extraordinary ordinariness, but no less essential in sustaining life.