Central Asian Project
Cornerhouse, Manchester
10 February 1 April
Space, London
17 February 14 April
Cornerhouse, Manchester
10 February 1 April
Space, London
17 February 14 April
Contents include: Should artists’ put life on hold to take up residencies abroad? Low stipends and paying the rent discussed. Advice on preparing grant applications and using The artists’ contracts toolkit online. Reviews from Jerwood Space and Elastic in London, […]
The exhibition made me remember why I wanted to be an artist.
Kate Walters, I can’t hear you (detail), watercolour, gouache, oil and graphite on shellac, 2006.
Francesca Steele, Les Fleurs du Mal, still from digital video, 2005.
Gayle Chong Kwan, Republic, from the Cockaigne series, c-type print, 2004
Paul Plews & Marieta Tsenova, Beauty, photograph, 2005.
In reponse to Applying the age discrimination law by Nick Sharp, published in the March issue of a-n Magazine:
As an artist living in the north east region, I was immediately interested in the opportunity advertised on page 40 of the March issue of a-n Magazine, for a six month Residency in Berlin.
Michael Cousin is one of five visual artists to receive a major Creative Wales award in the 2006/7 round.
The British Council plans to redeploy a third of the currently money spent in Europe to Muslim countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Notions of locating Creative Scotland the new body arising from the merger of Scottish Arts Council with Scottish Screen outwith Edinburgh is upsetting both the city council and those arts professionals who may be looking to Creative Scotland for their future careers.
Glasgow-based Jackie Anderson is the 2007 RSA Alastair Salvesen Scholar.
The three groups brought together by Live Art UK’s ‘Writing From Live Art: An Editorial Debate’ all had the same objective: to engage in more critical debate about live art.
Charles Avery, Henry Coombes, Louise Hopkins, Rosalind Nashashibi, Lucy Skaer and Tony Swain will represent Scotland at the 52nd Venice Biennale of Art.
The Scottish Arts Council has appointed 13Strand to undertake a feasibility study to review the existing development and support structure for live art practices in Scotland.
Arts Council England’s scheme to offer all interested parties the opportunity to make their views known on the issue of the public value of the arts.
From an application of over 115, seventeen projects will receive funding for networking programmes designed to develop future and emerging cultural leaders.
Manchester Craft and Design Centre, Manchester
26 January 31 March
Elastic, London
16 January 18 February
Jerwood Space, London
15 February 31 March
Mary Mary, Glasgow
20 January 23 February
Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth
20 January 19 March
Surface Gallery, Nottingham
2 February 3 March