Open 2 Art
Various venues, Ipswich
7-21 May
Various venues, Ipswich
7-21 May
Fairfield General Hospital, Bury and Gallery Oldham, Oldham
15 April – 30 May
Nextstep Gallery, Southampton
20 May 22 July
Although aimed at visual artists, a-ns Good practice in paying artists, sets out a framework for paying practitioners according to their overheads and experience, and The artists fees toolkit have been recommended by Theatre Education News the quarterly magazine […]
In May we conducted a sample survey of arts officers attending NALGAOs annual conference in Cardiff, to find out more about how they worked with artists, what methods they used to recruit them for work, and to identify the additional […]
Over fifty subscribers attended the first 25-year networking event in Ipswich in April, joined by speakers David Mach, Liliane Lijn, Caroline Broadhead and Faisal AbduAllah from the preceding No Boundaries conference, organised by Suffolk County Councils Making Art Work programme. […]
a-n was at Glasgow Art Fair from 28 April to 2 May, with an information stand in the Extension. Staff from the Editorial Production and Communications and Sales Teams were on the stand each day to promote a-n to artists […]
Hosted by London College of Communications, the a-n HE Advisory Group meeting in April discussed current approaches to professional practice in art and design courses and the challenges for tutors and careers advisers, and to identify areas for wider exchange […]
As the 51st Venice Biennale opens this month, a-n staff and contributors will be out and about, island hopping and promoting the first of the new a-n Collections Collaborative relationships. Unwrapping the intricacies of working relationships between artists and […]
ArtSway at the Venice Biennale, Palazzo Zenobio, 8-12 June
The Hong Kong Artists Biennale 2005 relocates to Venice in June, to coincide with the biennale. This artist-run show is an open forum for images, words and sounds. Concerned with non-hierarchical collecting and anarchic exhibition systems, it is enabled through […]
In response to an advertisement in your April issue for a Resident Artist at Bootham School in York, I wrote to the school for further details. I was aware that they were only offering a tiny stipend of £3,600 for […]
a-n's not the only organisation advocating for imaginative solutions for financing artists in their old age. Modelled on a US scheme, The Artist Pension Trust is in the process of identifying 250 artists over five years to benefit from an […]
The first meeting of an Advisory group to steer Arts Council England's major review of the Presentation of Contemporary Visual Arts took place in April. The review intends to make the case for increasing funds for visual arts in the […]
Trajectory is a not-for-profit publication house initiated by Something Haptic in March 2002 that aims to promote original books and offer artists an opportunity to publish and sell unique pieces that perhaps fall outside of larger, more mainstream organisations. On […]
Judith Dean's proposal to cast a small rectangular section of ploughed field in bronze amongst the lawns of Ragley Hall won this year's Jerwood Sculpture Prize, a £25,000 commission. Field will have a dark brown patine to represent rich, fertile […]
Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) has welcomed the Commons Select Committee recommendations in March on implementation of Droit de suite (Artist’s resale right) from January 2006. Artist's resale right entitles artists and visual creators whose work is protected by […]
The Earth and Fire international festival of ceramics takes place at Rufford Craft Centre in Nottinghamshire at the end of June. The two-day event showing the work of over a 100 makers is one of the unsung successes of the […]
From a-n Magazine June 1995 Collaboration is inescapable and students urgently need to develop the skills required to work collectively said art educationalist Sean Kaye; Shadow Minister for the Arts Mark Fisher was talking in earnest to arts professionals to […]
Jane Watt reports on the NAN event that took place in Norwich in March.
Contents include: Launch of Future forecast publications and events in Ipswich and Derby mark 25 years of a-n. New beginnings for recent graduates plus Acme Fire Station work/live residents announced. Non profit organisations network in Chicago; issues around city-wide art […]
Whilst curators and art stars flock to the Venice Biennale, many artists prefer to stay home and get another kind of public interface. Amongst the plethora of open studio events in June are: Cockpit Arts in Deptford, South East London […]
Susan Jones on a US conference highlighting connectivity.
Also under the microscope has been Arts Council Englands Grants for the arts programme. This has been dubbed in Annabel Jackson Associates evaluation of the 2003/04 scheme as a brave and radical initiative that has transformed grant making [but that […]
You’ll find a-n artists and contributirs at the Venice Biennale, partnering with South East agency Artsway to increase the visibility of emerging Uk artists within this international curatorial extravaganza. As part of this, we’re interested to give exposure to other […]