Leisure Centre
Leisure Centre is a new art publication. It is A6, black and white and put together without staples or glue using a cunning folding technique that can be turned in on itself to reveal the Underside. This first issue is […]
Leisure Centre is a new art publication. It is A6, black and white and put together without staples or glue using a cunning folding technique that can be turned in on itself to reveal the Underside. This first issue is […]
Brahm Gallery, Leeds
4 April 6 May
Kettles Yard
5 March 1 May
Persistence Works, Sheffield
7-27 April
RCA, London
8 April 1 May
My cousin introduced me to Iron Maiden when I was eight and I failed my art A level when I was eighteen.
a-n is an invited contributor to Arts Council Englands Presentation of Contemporary Visual Arts Review through inclusion on the Advisory Board, that met in April and will convene again in July to comment on research by consultants. The review is […]
The East Midlands Fast forward event took place in Derby on 23/24 April. Devised and developed by artist Mark Gubb and chaired by Emilia Telese, a-n Artists Networks Coordinator, speakers included YOlk (Nottingham), Niki Russell (Reactor/Nottingham Studios Consortium), John Plowman […]
23 April was also the date of our 25-year anniversary first celebratory event. a-n subscribers in the Suffolk area joined delegates of the No Boundaries Conference for a networking evening where Susan Jones outlined a-ns plans for the year long […]
This month begins the celebrations around a-ns 25th anniversary. The main focus of the years programme is developing a-ns campaigning role, making sure artists and their needs are visible in the wider world. See the Committee for Culture, Media and […]
Hope that a-n continues to explore and promote that which excites, intrigues, inspires and occasionally teaches us things that we had not previously known about the world: how art and culture can effect us and pull us out of the […]
I am currently undertaking my final dissertation as part of my BA course at St Martins. The topic I am working on is about how isolation (inflicted or self-inflicted) affects the artist/designer and leads to works of slow art (incredibly […]
Professional development is a buzz word that just wont go away (Deborah Rawson, Letters, a-n Magazine March and Dominic Thomas, Critical Contexts, a-n Magazine February). And rightly so. For artists wanting to be taken seriously by other professions and aiming […]
Commissioned by Creative Partnerships London East and curated by Manick Govinda, Artsadmin, Art for Whose Sake? looked at ways in which contemporary art, performance and live art practices engage young people, within and outside formal systems of learning. Invited speakers […]
Recent graduates on their first year as professional artists.
Four artists won £5,000 each for their proposals for art in public places projects in the 2005 Art Plus Awards. A joint scheme between Arts Council England, South East and the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) designed to encourage […]
Arts Council England cuts clients whilst remaining brave and radical.
The latest in a number of projects from UK cities that focus attention on the place as a cultural centre, Situation Leeds runs 16-29 May. This approach mirrors the expanding international biennial circuit; every city must have its arts festival […]
Eleven promising artists from the East of England will showcase work in London in July. Selected as part of Escalator Visual Arts initiative, the group represents a diversity of career stage, with two artists graduated within the last year, whilst […]
From a-n Magazine May 1995 Minky Manky at South London Art Gallery showed, amongst others, work by Damien Hirst and Mat Collishaw, along with Tracey Emins Love Tent; Christopher Pauling won the £4,000 Mostyn Open purchase prize; Leo Fitzmaurice and […]
Eleven artists have been awarded residencies at Acmes Fire Station work/live space, as part of this ongoing programme. Slade graduate and recent fellow at The British Library Ming Wong and Ben Cove, recent exhibitor at LMU Leeds and Castlefield Gallery […]
From May 2005, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation will focus its arts funding programme on support for the visual arts. The foundations arts programme has become better known within the performing arts and the majority of its funding has been directed […]
HAL is a new artist-run organisation that aims to facilitate the development of contemporary art through a programme of exhibitions, events, residencies, seminars and screenings designed to: Excite, surprise, challenge, question, provoke, inspire and entertain. The launch on 31 March […]
Huddersfield artists have a new venue to show and sell work. Arts agency Loca, has got together with café/bar Sleepers, situated under one of Huddersfields railway arches. This new, independent café/bar kicked off a monthly exhibition programme with work by […]
Contents include: Laura Hewitt on intimacy, dialogue and collaboration at Hotel Mariakapel. Paul Glinkowski introduces artists’ taking part in Africa 05. Bruce Haines talks to Johannes Phokela about his relationship with London’s Gasworks and Clara Ursitti on showing at the […]