Line and Curve an exhibition of new drawings by Felicity Truscott
Searching for ambiguity beyond content. Marks and erosions suggest sensibilities between reality and the enigmatic.
Searching for ambiguity beyond content. Marks and erosions suggest sensibilities between reality and the enigmatic.
A low cost way to prevent calluses in under 60 seconds! Lots of drawing can cause painful hard skin on your hands where the pencil rests and rubs the finger. Here is a quick and easy way to prevent calluses on […]
Currently working on the theme of memory with a few paintings in particular. At this stage I am combining ‘found objects’ to use the artistic convention, with a base layer of texture provided by sand. The objects are a combination […]
forgot to add another little gem from yesterday’s reading, I find Hofmann very inspiring for my practice and for my dissertation. “Colour has in itself a sovereign function on the basis of its light no sub-intrinsic qualities. Colour itself is […]
I thought i would add the most interesting find on my dissertation research of the day. The topic of my dissertation is based on the history of colour and how it effects modern art. i have been researching the study […]
This blog shows my journey in painting and art.
This collection of articles shows my interests which reflect my personal practice. My work can be viewed on saatchi art.
after the disappointing finish to yesterday i’ve been so pleased today with the improvements made. i’m currently working on two opportunities. my frustation yesterday was with one of these. after an overnight reflection, the work is feeling much better today. […]
Saturday 26 July – Sunday 02 November 2014,
A major solo exhibition of prints
Currently searching for significance in abstract imagery using drawing.
Each post, in fifty words or less, will document thoughts, processes and progresses on the following projects: Walking and Drawing; Performing Drawing and Waiting and Drawing. Why fifty words? I tend to waffle, so it will be good practice in […]
It’s Hard To Make a Stand by Steve Bishop