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Blog Artist

Seaworthy Vessel

This blog charts the progress of my project ‘Seaworthy Vessel’, an ongoing participatory project that uses the concept of seaworthiness in ships as a metaphor for emotional resilience in the face of physical trauma in people.

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Blog Post

Take me to the moon

Take me to the moon I recently went on a day trip to Margate specifically to go and see before it finished the Katie Paterson and JMW Turner ‘A place that exists only in moonlight’ exhibition at the Turner Contemporary. […]

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Blog Artist

Caryl Beach

It’s all about my art practice.

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Blog Post

End of may

Almost a monthly post. Busy responding to a call from Dragons Den. Thought this may be the best route to get the message to most public that YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT IS ECO AND […]

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Blog Post

Making in May

May has been a rather busy and productive month, as no doubt evidenced by my distinct lack of blogging. In between making perfumes for exhibitions, running workshops and playing with audio/visual equipment I’ve seldom had the time to sit, think […]

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