Looking at 2018
Looking back on my creative output over the last year, I’d have to conclude that I have had a relatively successful 2018 – I have delivered on my promise of staging two Perfume as Practice shows a year, immersed myself […]
Looking back on my creative output over the last year, I’d have to conclude that I have had a relatively successful 2018 – I have delivered on my promise of staging two Perfume as Practice shows a year, immersed myself […]
In December I joined Davin on a residency at Wassaic Project in Wassaic, a small Hamlet upstate in New York. Wassaic Project comprises two sites for studios and project spaces in a disused mill and a disused auction mart, and […]
Investigating people and places through the mediums of animation, illustration, installation and storytelling.
The Draw to Perform residency programme for Drawing Performance practice. What does the program offer? The D2P Residency program is a unique opportunity for new and developing professional artists and art students to engage in the dynamic artistic discipline of drawing performance […]
A community for Drawing Performance
A farewell to Singularity
Recently I took part in Yorkshire Artspace’s Open Studio event, which as ever attracted hundreds of visitors to my very studio. During the event I exhibited my usual array of scented delights and workshop promotional material. I tend to use […]
New blog focused around interviews with practitioners from various art and design backgrounds.
Thoughts on art, literature and philosophy as they intercept my life and practice.
This was a really interesting day. I started with a visit to the absolutely magnificent Brooklyn Library. Brooklyn is a very large area with several sub-libraries but this is their main library. Brooklyn Library was initially initiated in the 1800’s […]
‘Deposition’ – stitched work. Here is a couple of partially completed work and the final image.
The last 3 weeks have seen me fully engrossed in Desire and Alchemy: an exhibition at BasementArtsProject, Leeds that houses my latest set of perfumes. It is the sixth occasion a range of my perfume portraits has been themed and […]
Current work explores globalisation through its accelerated impact on city space. Operating at the intersection of urbanisation, postcolonialism and interculturalism, urban-spatial movements are sampled and traced within densely populated and expanding cities.
This blog takes the form of a mystery thriller podcast telling the story of how Nick Malone came to become an artist. It underpins his upcoming exhibition of the same name which will run from 6th to 10th November at Art Bermondsey Project Space in London.