A Fold in the River – exhibition
Booth Books -
May 21, 2015 -
May 31, 2015 -
I have collaborated with many people over the years – some more successfuly than others. Some on my side of the table and some on the other. The experience has ranged from the perfunctory, task oriented pooling of knowledge and […]
Began work today! On the smallest of the ten pieces that will comprise the sculpture, but still… Sanding back and filling screw holes in preparation for primer. It rapidly became clear that it won’t be six days’ work […]
Today I got my first view of what’s been going on in the workshop in Roskilde. My first impression: wow, it’s big! Of course I knew it was going to be big, but it takes a moment to adjust to […]
Set Up This week I didn’t come in early to speak with Millie; I just started setting up the whiteboard for the erasing meanness exercise. Using suggested words from the website, it took me about 20 minutes to set […]
Yesterday I went to the scrap metal yard, early. Fortunately for me, they always have HEB beams in stock and I was able to measure to get those that were closest to 10cm in depth (10.2-10.3cm) I can only hope […]
The first big wobble came today. I got an unexpected call from Mikkel, lead carpenter on the project; unexpected because I didn’t know they would be working today, on the weekend. The wobble came because I came to suspect […]
Today I got word that the carpenters have started work on building House of Cards. Massive relief that they are underway, with three weeks to go before it is due to be collected by the exhibition organisers. Next week is […]
There haven’t been any blog posts for a few weeks because I’ve been in Mexico with family, taking a break before the final push (and introducing my son to his granny for the first time). Now waiting for the carpenters […]
These are the mixed media pieces i created at the end of this project, but i still feel there is a long way to go in this project. These responses i have created are an end to the project so […]
I have not written here for some time; which is not really good enough I know. An awful lot has been happening and so I aim to write a series of posts updating you all; but I wanted to start […]
My research became fruitful at the beginning of December 2014 when I completed 6 pieces of work in a series titled “Possibilities”. This work is covered with marble dust and a striking yellow acrylic top. All of these pieces relate […]
Been working o another animation, this one focuses on the issue of climate change and the need for more green energy sources. Im especially interested in this issue as in my local area a 9 turbine wind farm is in […]
In this post I will try to show all my work during the course of fine art till now April 2015. This print it was the first one made in the printmaking workshop. “The scream ” It’s made by the […]
AUDIOBLOG -Please click here Real art world living, as opposed to do what you want art world living, or art school living… If I was still in an educational establishment I would be working towards a resolution of some sort […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here Is it a “me” thing? or an “artist” thing? or a “woman” thing? There’s not really any balance about any of it, there’s no “everything in moderation” about any of it either. I am a […]