Industry insights: Maria Uzor
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November 29, 2022 at 12:00 PM -
East England
Mother seems mandatory and has its own status in line with life choices, marriage success and size of kitchen. Becoming educated and having a career separate to the domestic, becoming a maker/artist empowered me to my perceived ideal of Woman. […]
a blog charting my year long journey as one of the 2022-23 student residency co-hort at banks mill in derby.
This has been playing on my mind over the last 6-months which is when my son was born. I always knew it would be this strange balance and potential sacrifice that would need to be made by myself as a […]
Art and Motherhood: how do we do both?
The curator me I am an independent South Asian Artist Curator. My curatorial approach begins with ‘Art’ as a catalyst and framework for the organic process which invites creative practice, theory and collective conversation to allow for happenings. For me, […]
Over the three years of degree – and particularly these past two – my role and practice as an artist has changed enormously, and in this post, I want to examine how and why it has, and how it will […]
Now that I have got my instagram page cleaned up and looking professional and how I want it, I have decided to start ‘un-archiving’ the posts that I archived before I started the ‘remodel’. However, I have decided to be […]
I recently took a two-day online course with the School of Painting on Bonnard and The Electric Light, taught by Alice Mumford. My knowledge of Bonnard was scant and it was so interesting to learn about his paintings and techniques. The role of […]
I believe that there is always room to learn more, no matter what field one chooses, or how many hours one puts in. This blog highlights the art courses I’ve been learning from.
As the Professional Practice module is all about how we promote ourselves as artists and preparing ourselves for life outside of university, I have decided to focus this blog on remaking my “art” instagram account. The screenshot above shows how […]
As part of the AN coach training in 2018 we also received coaching, and I have been coached on and off ever since. Now, I spend more time in my studio making art. I take my artwork to it’s completion, […]
Distance I have been doing something different this month; working in the hospitality sector to bring in some extra money and also to shake up the focus of my observation and experience. It came at a good time. Just before […]
Amanda Watson Will is an Australian book artist who has a varied body of work, utilizing different techniques and materials for each work of art. This fresh approach to each book she produces, makes her body of work powerful and […]
the film made during the residency trees can hear you is a winner at the beyond the curve international film festival in the best experimental film category. it’s also received an outstanding achievement award.
it’s come to my attention that in order to hold my nerve and progress i need to alter up some of things i do. hence i’ve decided to end this blog today, to give me the time, space and motivation […]
Interview with Annie Rapstoff by art writer Hope Collinson. Hope interviewed Annie as she showed handmade artists books in the HOME BOOKS exhibition at COUCOU in May 2021
If you would like to learn how to paint a portrait in oils in a direct, lively, expressive way then this workshop is for you. Jo Sinclair is an experienced portrait artist and teacher. Jo will take you through the […]
Interviews by Hope Collinson with artists PETA LLOYD and RHIANNON EVANS who made artist books in lockdown and showed them in the HOME BOOKS exhibition at COUCOU in May 2021