Artist Bursary 2018 - Page 5 of 10 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Beach clean up

We’ve been put in touch with Dell Cullum a photographer, conservationist, activist and animal rescuer whose family has lived for several generations in Amagansett, the next town west of Montauk. Early every morning Dell goes to his local beach and […]

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Blog Post

Workshop part I

A group of 9 women, including Selma, arrived to Sculpture Space for their first scheduled workshop and our work began! The brief was to create a model proposal for a monument or building that they would like to see existing […]

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Blog Post

The Bravest Little Street in England

It’s ready! I have completed my wet plate collodion journey, and am ready to exhibit the works. The 29 ambrotypes of current male residents of Altrincham represent each of the men from Chapel St who failed to return from the […]

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Blog Artist

‘8 Poor Copies’ by Owen G. Parry (excerpts)

‘8 Poor Copies’ is both a response to Richards’ show ‘Poor Copy’ at Northern Charter in April 2018, and a kind of manual for thinking through our respective practices, including our show ‘PooR Life by dog people’ at Transition Two Gallery, opening next week

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Blog Artist

First Floor ↗

2018 A-N artist bursary blog documenting the research and development of new works by Euphrosyne Andrews.

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Blog Post

Developing skills in creative programming / Max MSP

Diving into a world of sensors, programming, hardware, software it becomes evident to structure what I want to learn, whilst keeping an open mind for the possibilities each separate element has to offer. A form and functionality is roughly shaping […]

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Blog Post

Dungeon Crawling 1: Magic is said to work in the cave

This summer I was invited by artist Flora Parrott and geographer Harriet Hawkins to speak at Expand & Contract, a research day they organised in London. The conference hosted a group of multidisciplinary practitioners to expand on themes related to […]

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Blog Post

A Tale of Two Lights

The approach to Montauk Point Lighthouse is strikingly different to that of Orfordness Lighthouse. At the Ness the structure punctuates the horizon, seen from miles inland and public access is very limited. Here at Montauk Point, the lighthouse isn’t visible […]

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Blog Post

Welcome to BAI

  The Berlin Art Institute runs a residency programme for artists at all stages of their career to come and make work in Berlin, located in Weissensee in the north west of the city it’s a really calm and green […]

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Blog Post

Visit to [INSERT TITLE] at Kleine Humboldt Galerie

[INSERT TITLE] at Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Image: © Work by Helena Hladilová   We visited the Kleine Humboldt Galerie, located inside the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Curators Agnesa Schmudke & Elisabeth Stumpf  gave us a tour of the show and exhibiting artist Britta Lumer talked about […]

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Blog Post

Monuments Seminar

Monuments Seminar at BAI, Image: ©   Artist duo VARIOUS & GOULD led a seminar on monuments, discussing past and present monuments of Berlin and the relationship monuments have to their own practice. I followed this seminar by visiting some of […]

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Blog Post

10th Berlin Biennale

  I visited the Berlin Biennale during my time on the residency. The Biennale took place over 4 sites, including, Akademie der Künste (Hanseatenweg), KW Institute for Contemporary Art, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU 2), ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics. Titled We don’t […]

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Blog Post

Pilvi Takala Artist Talk & Crits

Pilvi Takala came to talk about her work, she started by discussing a performance piece called ‘The Trainee’ where she pretended to be a trainee at the accounting firm Deloitte. She would ride the lift up and down all day and sit […]

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Blog Post

New Work

A portrait of the artists calm, 2018 digital print, wax, found audio 84 x 95 x 16 cm   Fehlt, 2018 wooden stretcher, photocopies, text 112 x 84 cm   Apply topical cream 2x daily, 2018 melamine board, text, vinyl […]

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Blog Post

Pilvi Takala Artist Talk & Crits

Pilvi Takala came to talk about her work, she started by discussing a performance piece called ‘The Trainee’ where she pretended to be a trainee at the accounting firm Deloitte. She would ride the lift up and down all day and sit […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "a-n Bursary blog"

New work… A portrait of the artists calm, 2018 digital print, wax, found audio 84 x 95 x 16 cm     Fehlt, 2018 wooden stretcher, photocopies, text 112 x 84 cm     Apply topical cream 2x daily, 2018 […]

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Blog Post

A Lot to Learn

My first visits to to see Juliet Bailey, Franki Brewer and the team at Dash & Miller and the Bristol Weaving Mill have been an eye opener. I have drifted around watching the women work on different projects simultaneously, juggling […]

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Blog Post

Coastal waters

We meet up with three different people who have long-term knowledge of the coastal waters at Montauk Point to ask about change in the area. First we meet with Professor Arthur (Artie) Kopelman. He teaches sustainability at The Fashion Institute of […]

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