artist in residence - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

The Lycian Expedition

In Spring 2022 I will be the Artist in Residence along the 500km Lycian Way, an ancient trail around Turkey’s Aegean Coast. I will be accompanied by Emincan Alemdaroglu of COMMENTARIVM (Producers of the project), a film maker, and a sound artist.

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Experimenting with cyanotype

When choosing materials to take to Collemacchia I was limited by a number of factors; transportation, additional equipment, and practicality. I ended up with a selection of drawing materials (pencils, ink, pens, brushes, pastels), lino, block printing ink, and cyanotype. […]

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Drawing in Collemacchia

I want to share some of the drawings I produced while in Collemacchia and reflect on the experience I had making them. I’ve been struggling with drawing for a while, it’s a vital part of my practice; I feel comfortable […]

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Every now and then the generous people at Martyr’s Gallery in Lewes offer an opportunity for an artist to take over their space for one of those very special, no-expectations, no-strings-attached developmental residencies. Their version of this amazing gift is […]

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I’m very much looking forward to occupying the space at Martyrs Gallery in Lewes as artist in residence from 28 May to 12 June. I’m planning on building on work developed during my recent Once In A Universe project and most recently […]

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The Story Of A Failed Rock

One of my main aims for this year has been to find opportunities to continue to work on a larger scale – to make things that are bigger than me – but at the same time my mind is full […]

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Investigating Drumcroon – Progress so far

A brief update on my investigations into Drumcroon so far; through the call out, I’ve managed to arrange five interviews (three of which I’ve completed) and track down the location of the Wigan Schools Loan collection. I’ve also been loaned […]

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Researching Drumcroon

This blog is quite overdue! I’ve now been studying the MA in Multi-Disciplinary Print since September 2018 however my documentation so far has been very much offline. In time I will update this blog to reflect the work that I […]

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Tracing & Erasing Objects and Art

My research focuses on how artists’ create and construct communicative contexts within practice. Focusing on sound, my work observes human interaction and activates spoken-word, with original narratives being questioned and new, quasi-fictional narrative constructed/composed. Exploring ‘erasing’ as a methodology, my […]

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Creative Time Travel

I am thrilled to be working as the Artist in Residence at The Scottish Crannog Centre this Spring. The post is supported by the SGSAH (Scottish Graduate School of Arts & Humanities) and will run from the end of January […]

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Unsolicited Artist in Residence

Origins I have a 28-year history with the Pennine Way, the UKs oldest and toughest National Trail. In the summer of 1990 my dad and I walked the last sixty miles of it, over four days, from Hadrian’s Wall to […]

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News News story

Tania Bruguera’s community-led response to the global migration crisis launches at Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall

In Brief: news briefing featuring national and international stories including: Rio museum destroyed by fire opens temporary exhibitions’ space, Talbot Rice in Edinburgh announces artists to take part in its inaugural Residents Programme, plus Mayor of London Sadiq Khan launches major public art project highlighting overlooked women from London’s history.

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I’ve had the Suez site user induction at the Halifax transfer site which is mostly common sense with a bit of jargon thrown in for good measure. There was a test at the end! Which has inspired me to maybe […]

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Perspective is Everything

M2AIR host four children’s art residencies as part of #MadeInFoxhill, a community arts programme attached to regeneration of the Foxhill area of Bath.
June and July 2018
Final Group Show July 13th – 14th

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Red turkey twill

All 100 pillowcases are now cast and waiting to be sanded and finished later this month. However, my research has continued and uncovered some very interesting pieces of information amongst the archive. Some years ago when I first began looking […]

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A relevant metaphor – Pillowcases part 2

My studio is currently a hive of activity; a great relief after the cold weather making it difficult to work in there. One end is covered in piles of neatly, and some not so neatly, folded pillow cases. the piles […]

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Pillow cases part 1

Yesterday I thought I was going to write about pillowcases but somehow that didn’t happen and I ended up writing about how I came to the point at which I decided the direction my work was going to take. So […]

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Thank you Christian Boltanski

Now the weather has warmed up I seem to be working on numerous projects at the same time trying to catch up. There also seems to be a surge in activity in general following the Easter break. This is all […]

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vying for attention and shouting ‘me! me!’

  This post is shared from my other blog over on WordPress but is relevant here too.   I have only written 4 blog posts on here in the past year. it seems a poor effort but in my defence […]

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Testing ideas

  To date there are 3 things which to me have struck a chord during my residency: The gossamer thin flags that are displayed in the Buff’s Chapel The images from Dane John VAD Hospital and the fracturing of identity […]

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Red, white, black and purple

I haven’t written any blog posts for a while. Not just on here but also on my main blog. When I started this residency I wasn’t sure where it would lead me, but that is what is the exciting thing […]

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