RAW Académie Session 11
RAW Academie is an experimental residential program for the study and research of artistic and curatorial practice and thought.
RAW Academie is an experimental residential program for the study and research of artistic and curatorial practice and thought.
We are amidst a global mental health crisis. To bring about policy and culture change, we must think outside the pillbox. Through an ACE-funded Unlimited commission #MagicCarpet, we argue for ‘lofty arts’ in effecting cultural change in mental health.
The Cynics of Rajasthan – joining forces with Jude Cowan Montague – artist, writer and composer with a multi-media practice that crosses disciplines – performed at Chinese New Year exhibition in Soho, London (February 2017). This improvised performance with ‘Indian […]
I recently had the opportunity to visit Delhi and Rajasthan, and started looking at making new work investigating the activities of street dogs (The Cynics of Rajasthan). I was able to take portraits of over 200 street/village dogs and plan now to create new film/performance work
Two years ago Antonie, Karin, and I set up an artists’ association* with the idea of creating opportunities for artistic research outside of Stockholm’s art institutions. Last Friday we had our AGM. It did not take long as the we […]
A quick synopsis of what has been keeping me busy in May: Being Tim’s assistant: costumes for a new (Swedish language) version of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and three kits each consisting two mascot costumes for a holiday company […]
Yesterday evening I went to my first “Enköping Art Association” event, it was a discussion with several of the artists from the current show at the gallery: 8 Young Artists. One of the artists, Fredrik Eriksson, I know a little […]
The puzzle is lying pretty much as it was before Christmas, I have sorted out a lot of the edge pieces and even got some good runs started, though somehow I am not finding/making time for it. Actually I am […]
For her new, multi-channel video installation, Melanie Manchot has connected remembered moments from the lives of 12 people in recent recovery from drug and alcohol misuse. Michaela Nettell talks to the artist about the making and showing of the work.
Sovay Berriman’s latest, self-funded project will take her to Mongolia and Australia searching for ‘markers and boundaries of experience’ in desert landscapes, and researching the correlation between those landscapes and the narratives of the people that inhabit them. We spoke to the artist as she prepared for the first leg of her journey.
Re-reading some more of the Artistic Research course texts, or perhaps reading them in a (literally physically) different context has been surprisingly rewarding. Sometimes it can take a really long time for me to ‘get’ something, or to reach a […]