a-n Board determines policy and sets the strategic direction of the organisation. Board members play an active role representing a-n externally as well as monitoring the organisation against its agreed objectives and targets. Board members typically serve a three-year term and meet a minimum of four times a year. Making an invaluable contribution to a-n, they ensure effective governance for the company and its business.
Interested in being a trustee or board member? Nicola Naismith explores what artists contribute and gain, and speaks to artists with experience to find out about their roles and their advice for joining a board.
Joining a board can provide artists with a voice in the decision-making room and a way to steer the arts agenda. Nicola Naismith explores what’s involved, and hears from artists and their fellow board members about the important contribution artists can make and why being a trustee matters.
a-n The Artists Information Company has announced eight significant new appointments to its Board. With four practising visual artists among this new cohort, the organisation continues to ensure that artists are central to the governance of the organisation.