Artists - Page 4 of 7 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Orchard Square Residency Diary #3

October will see me utilise this blog for documenting, describing and assessing my Orchard Square artist’s residency. We’re just over a week in and I feel as though I have began to assert my creative integrity within the space. It has become […]

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Blog Artist


Reflections on the RD1st Coaching Course 2017 and beyond. Course fees funded and attendance supported by a bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company

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The Autonomous Artist

The Autonomous Artist is a dedicated blog detailing activities, thoughts and reflections about my time as 2017/18 Visual Artist Fellow on the Clore Leadership Programme. I will be exploring the role of the artist in arts leaderships and reflecting on independent, […]

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Blog Post

Exhibiting my Perfumed Self Portrait

My perfumed self portrait is complete and currently nestled between 15 other works in an exhibition curated and devised by myself and artist Sharon Mossbeck entitled Alternative Portraits The aim of Alternative Portraits is to both investigate and celebrate innovative […]

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Blog Post

Entering competitions

In lots of advice as artists you find out as you become an artist the ways and whys of how to get ones work seen and shown, and recognised. What I am sure of is that my work is messy, […]

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Blog Artist

I am an Artist, Survivor and a Believer

Progress from fledgling artist this is me moving forward and onward with a better focus on what and where I want and deserve to be, I believe in me, I believe in you, I believe art can make a difference….

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Blog Post

Time to explore, gardening!

We planned to start our collaboration by exploring the metaphorical space of the garden. Its meaning and its materials. Not defining the outcome, meandering, letting the garden take us to unexpected places. We want to see what, if anything takes […]

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Blog Post

Day two of slowing down

Doing deceleration symposium at Nottingham Contemporary. We started the day in the project space of Nottingham Contemporary exploring the theme of ‘Doing Deceleration’. This was an event open to the wider public, not just the Summer Lodge. A full list […]

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Blog Post

TICK TOCK…..its nearly time

Mark Devereux Projects work with artists to advance their respective practices and careers by providing high-quality, tailored professional development; they launched their intensive programme called StudioBook in 2015.   This fabulous opportunity for early to mid-career artists, delivers seminars, workshops and […]

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Blog Artist

Testing a new collaboration

Artists Dawn Giles and Arabel Rosillo de Blas are undertaking a 10 day residency to test the realities of working together. The collective space of Summer Lodge is an opportunity to make work in the same space without the pressure of an outcome.

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Blog Post

Encountering place: Rough cut

So, I finally have a title for the project…. Encountering Place. Having been a nomad much of my life, the idea of a sense of place, which the Festival is built around, is a bit alien to me. I’ve never felt really local […]

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Blog Post

“Biennale focus on Art and Artists”

“Biennale focus on Art and Artists” I have to admit that I was rather confused to read the introduction of 2017 Venice Biennale by chief curator Christine Macel, “Focus on the role of Art and Artists”. OK, great! Artist on […]

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Blog Post

Be quiet little voice in my head….

…..And so it was on a Wednesday morning that I found myself full of trepidation, wondering what the hell I had done, driving into the Dukes Arts Centre.  A very surreal experience for me as I lived in Lancaster for […]

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Blog Post

Lancaster and the cat

So this week has seen the first module of our A-N/RD1st coaching program.  It has been a bloody knackering week to put it bluntly.  Thanks in part to my husband forgetting to book the hotel we had to stay in […]

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Blog Artist

Adventures in Coach Land

I got a place on the a-n/RD1st coaching course and a bursary to support it, thank you very much A-N…. This is where I take you on the journey with me and attempt to become an artist coach without trying to fix or break anyone….

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Blog Post

How should we support creativity?

Fancy a creative future? Then look no further than 64 Million Artists, a national campaign that wants to unlock the creativity of everyone in Britain. Throughout January it set short daily creative challenges up to 20 minutes long that were […]

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