Despite the predominantly female visual arts workforce of the past decade, it’s striking that men continue to be given the top jobs. Evidence of cultural diversity is still hard to find. Praise then to the Baltic gallery trustees, who have […]
Nowadays there are more than twice as many female students than males on fine art courses, according to data obtained from the HE Statistics Agency. However, many contemporary galleries and exhibitions still need to realise the value of women’s art. […]
It is just as important to nurture individuals and micro arts groups as it is to protect big bricks and mortar institutions In recent months, and in the run-up to this month’s spending round, arts lobbying network What Next? has […]
“Looking back on my time on North Uist it is difficult to describe the quality of the air, the views, the colours, the intensity of atmosphere which fascinated me so. It is a bit like having the insides of your […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here This has been a long break without posting… Much has happened! Another two performances came and went… The first one was on Sunday afternoon on local radio. I’ve done a couple of spots on local […]
As part of Cardiff Contemporary this year me and Natalie Ramus were asked by CSAD to participate in ‘Cardiff’s Contemporaries’ where current and past students are exhibiting work at Morgan’s Arcade. On Saturday RAMUS|EVANS Collaborative which was formed in September […]
Today I wrote a bit over at e-flux about the role of estrangement to the artist: In the latest issue of Oncurating 31: Spheres of Estrangement: Art, Politics, Curating the editors examine the idea of estrangement as an instrument for curating as well […]
Today met with Marouane Aouinat the painter after he invited me to his home in an old part of the souk. Marouane graduated a year ago from university of Tetouan. He showed me his journal and some of the […]
Executive summary of investigation into the UK’s existing creative workspace provision and the challenges to sustainability the sector faces.
We are delighted and also a little overwhelmed by the amount of responses we have received to our email asking for interested parties to contact us! People have been so generous in offering to share their skill, knowledge, creativity and […]
I have developed a one-to-one session and a workshop for artists, it’s called Artists Insight. The first sessions took place in June 2016 in Brighton. I want to write about how this evolved. The workshop and sessions are about taking the time to […]
That physical touch and engagement that I have with materials is the driving force in my practice. This week I’ve been back in the studio playing. I started to think about how sculpture and painting coincide; and how I can […]
With more than double the anticipated number of responses, the Artists’ Livelihoods survey into how visual artists in England live and work forms part of the most comprehensive study of its kind in over a decade. Stephen Palmer reports.
So a couple of days ago I completed step one of my professional development bursary plan and joined “Be Smart About Art”. I also contacted its founder, Susan Mumford to arrange my one-to-one sessions. Now some of you may be […]
So “Yey” I was lucky enough to be awarded a Professional Devleopment Bursary from A-N.. what was it for, well sit down and I’ll tell you a story… make a cuppa I can go on a little
Launching today, a-n is a lead partner in a comprehensive survey into how visual artists in England live and work, part of a new Arts Council England research project that will shape future support and initiatives for artists. Take part and share your views on the day-to-day realities of being a professional artist and the challenges and barriers you face.