Women’s History Month in East London 2025
Last chance
Various venues -
March 01, 2025 -
March 31, 2025 -
MA Musings, I’m at university for the first time at 55!
I live in Llanelli and it is the first town to be put under lockdown. Llanelli is tiny once you realise you’re not allowed to leave. I am a cyclist. Below is a photo of me completing the Everesting challenge […]
I spoke to my hero today, she has been for some time. Someone that says something at times when people don’t speak. She spoke with honesty and with presence. It shook me and i noticed. We spoke about our practice. […]
adjective….of relatively little significance, and therefore able to be abandoned or destroyed A mortifying realisation that extra curricula subjects are potentially to be abandoned in September. It came up in my news feed. Outlined in panic. First from the artists. […]
This blog is the second in a series of posts documenting my experience on Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals, a Mu.SA (Museum Sector Alliance) course. So far we have covered: Terminology + methods for sourcing and managing data + information Digital […]
This blog is part of a series of posts documenting my experience on Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals, a Mu.SA (Museum Sector Alliance) course. Mu.SA is an EU network of museums and cultural organisations. Over the next eight weeks, I […]
spring is in the air, the clocks have gone forward and there’s been some movement within the non linear project. i’ve done some more filming and been able to present the work so far to the arts and heritage group […]
Keep It Complex added a sprinkle of politics to MIMA’s weekly community lunches on 14/12/2017. We brought cupcakes with the faces of local politicians, MPs, MEPs, councillors, the police and crime commissioner and the Mayor. We also gave people pre-digested […]
Keep it complex headed up to Birmingham to have some tea and Teressa May cake at Grand Union. Our local supermarket had refused to print Teressa May on a Cake, we’re not sure why, something about not being able to […]
digesting politics brunch at Resort Studios Margate, 23/7/2017 “Is this the MP?” – “Yes” – “Let’s go and ask him about the Youth Centre.” “Hello, would you like to have a name tag?” “Have you counted how many we […]
Inquiry report into existing engagement of the arts in health and social care, and making recommendations to improve policy and practice.